  • 期刊


The Relationship between Customer Participation and Customer Relationship Strength




One of the important preliminary steps for organizations in building long-term customer relationship is to establish customer relationship strength (CRS). Customer participation is the marketing thought that has gained much attention of marketing scholars and practitioners in recent years. It aims to increase customers' perceptions of service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty through encouraging customers to participate in service production and delivery processes. The results of the present study show that, using the customers of barbershops and beauty parlors in Taipei as the sources of data collection, customer participation is positively correlated with CRS, both directly and indirectly. The indirect effects imply that customer satisfaction, customer commitment and relational bonds serve as intervening variables between customer participation and CRS. However, the direct effect of customer participation on CRS is much higher than total indirect effect. This indicates that there are other more important intervening variables that can explain the relationship between customer participation and CRS. Because existing literature shows that CRS can increase customer relationship longevity and a firm's long-term profitability, the research results of this paper support the importance of customer participation to firms.


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