  • 期刊


Between Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan's Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy




台灣 拼音 漢語拼音 通用拼音 新經濟 全球化 在地化


The only remaining controversy in Taiwan's efforts to standardize its pinyin system for Chinese is whether to adopt Tongyong or Hanyu; while the former has an intense symbolic value of indigenization, the latter enjoys a substantial globalized distribution. This paper first makes clear the nature of 'interface' of any pinyin system and examines this seemingly domestic issue from the perspectives of the New Economy in the global Information Age. Given the characteristics of 'increasing returns' and 'path-dependence', Hanyu Pinyin, with its universal standardization and dominant global market share, is the obvious choice. Taiwan's implementation of Tongyong Pinyin must necessarily incur the cost of dual interfaces. Given the 85% overlap between the two systems, Tongyong, as a politically meaningful symbol, ironically, creates a division among Taiwan's population. The unfortunate politicization of the pinyin issue has cornered the nation into a dilemma: Tongyong costs economically, Hanyu costs politically. The ultimate reconciliation thus hinges upon the implementation of a system that optimizes Tongyong's indigenized symbolic value and Hanyu's globalized substance, to the furthest extent possible.


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Riches, M. D. (2018). 漢語拼音與威妥瑪:譯音系統作為文化工及其在台灣對於身份認同的影響 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201800017
