  • 期刊


A Review of the Policy Process about the Hsinchu Science Park




Compared to the common notion that the Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) was developed through top-down government policy planning, by reexamining the political and economic context, this article points out that in fact, a bottom-up process of HSP policy implementation shaped the current appearance of the HSP, while being affected and supported by the technological upgrading of the electronics industry. First, the upgrading of the electronics industry converted HSP policy from an R & D policy to an industrial production policy. This caused Taiwan's economic growth to be overly reliant on the industrial structure of information and electronic manufacturing. Second, technocrats were a key factor in shaping the HSP policy to cope with the globalization of the technology industry. Finally, if further development of science parks is only a copy of the HSP model in spite of their industrial supporting functions and comparative advantages, the establishment of science parks will not be enough to promote development in the region. In addition, the government needs more information and knowledge management of the technocrats to improve policy making in the context of globalization.


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