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The Political Thought of Laozi Xiang'erzhu


《老子想爾注》作為早期道教運動的重要經典,分別從政治統治與宗教救贖兩重觀點進行論述,與同時期的另一部經典《太平經》(或是《太平清領書》)分別從道家與儒家思想的觀點進入道教經典的書寫,豐富了早期道教的內容。本文試圖從《老子想爾注》文本著手,進行三個議題的討論:第一個部分處理在《老子想爾注》中如何將原始道家思想中關於道的規律以誡律的形式轉向宗教制裁,就此,《老子想爾注》將道誡、太上老君乃至世俗政治與宗教運動和理解作了異於道家思想哲學論述的轉折;第二個部分處理兩漢宇宙生成論述中關於治身與理國的合致途徑的討論,在「氣」所具備由物質而精神的理解下,《老子想爾注》透過「身」的概念將個人與國家乃至於統治論述作了交代;第三個部分處理有關體道的人格形式,《老子想爾注》試圖將宗教成就與政治統治結合在一起,因此,理想體道的人格,不僅是長生的重要條件,同時也是理想政治的發動者,對於《老子想爾注》而言,在這個意義上,政治與宗教不再是斷為兩橛的對立面,而是可以接榫在一起的彼岸與現世。在結論部分,本文試圖簡單地反省《老子想爾注》與《太平經》兩部經典在學術史上分別從儒、道二家哲學思考介入宗教(道教)論述的結果。 《老子想爾注》透過道誡的懲處能力與道教至高神人格的理論安排,將宗教的長生不死與現實政治的有效治理結合在既政治又宗教的論述形式中,同時在先秦「氣化」論述的思想下,進一步接受了兩漢「宇宙生成論」的思想成就,接續了兩漢以身與國對應的政治論述,不僅豐富了早期道教的思想內容,而且將宗教生活與政治生活有意義地連結在一起。透過這部經典的討論,我們可以看到中國第一帝國時期的政治與宗教的對話,或者,我們可以便宜地視為像是當代民間社會與國家的對話形式。


This article deals with the early writing of Daoist (Taoist) religion known as Laozi Xiang'erzhu (comprehensive annotations of Laozi).We may rediscover the internal connection between political discourses (narrated by Daoist School and Confucian School in Han dynasty) and Daoist religion by analyzing the content of this classical text. The thesis here is that, in general, the religious competes with and corresponds to the political. We shall analyze the academic position of Xiang'erzhu in Han dynasty and discuss the epistemological and ontological understanding found in this early Daoist religion text. Three issues that are dwelled upon in Xiang'erzhu will be discussed in this article, i.e., the dialogue and linkage between secular politics and religious authority, the way to achieve immortality by following the admonishments of Dao (Tao), and how those ideal Dao-approaching personalities become the rulers or get immortal. Some preliminary comparisons between Xiang'erzhu and Tai-Ping Jing that lead to general comprehension of the early development of Daoist religion will be submitted in the conclusion. In this article, I will also try to answer the following questions: ”Why do scholars try to get involved in the religious?”, ”Why do admonishments of Dao play the role as philosophical and political disciplines do?”, ”Is the Confucianist ethics of virtue equal to the admonishments of Dao?”, ”How does the divine differ from this world?”, ”How does the body interact with the mind or the spirit?”, ”How is the relationship between Confucian School and Daoist School during the whole Han dynasty which even lasted into Wei-Jin era?”, ”Is there any similarity between the hierarchy of political affairs and religious affairs?”, and ”How does the body formation get involved in the state building process?” As a sutra of Daoist religion, Xiang'erzhu absorbs the essence inherent in the political discourses of both Confucianism and Daoist philosophy. We can easily trace and catch the important transition in middle-age Chinese political philosophy just by analyzing what we get in this important text in the early age of Daoist religion.




