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The Effects on Quality of Carnation Cut Flowers Due to Simulated Transit Vibration


切花產品須經由運輸使得以自產地運送至市場銷售,對於切花品質而言運輸為一不利之作業,因切花裝箱後環境劣化及搬送、運輸時所造成的振動傷害等因素。然而並沒有足夠的資料顯示運輸所產生的振動確實會使切花的品質劣化。因此本試驗以振動試驗機模擬貨車行駛於高速公路時的振動,探討振動與貯藏溫度對康乃馨切花品質之影響,其中包括鮮重變化、呼吸率與乙烯的生成量。希望應用於日後切花保鮮、運輸及包裝方式改良上的相關研究上。 本試驗以國產之紅色香石竹(Dianthus caryophyllus)為試驗用切花。將切花以直立的方式濕藏於呼吸缸中,以頻率20Hz連續振動四小時,並於振動後再靜置兩小時,試驗期間每兩小時量測數據一次,每日量測3次數據。 試驗結果得到振動過後香石竹開始萎凋的時間比對照組提早一天,且鮮重損失的速率較大;振動時呼吸率會明顯的上升、且振動初期的影響最大,隨著振動時間的延續,呼吸率呈現降低、平緩的趨勢;在乙烯生成量方面振動後有部分切花有微量的乙烯生成,振動過的香石竹在第六天即能量測到乙烯的生成,而對照組則在第七天才量測到乙烯,且振動過的香石竹乙烯生成量皆高於對照組。因此振動會縮短香石竹的瓶插壽命。


振動 運輸 香石竹 呼吸率 乙烯生成量


Most products of the cut flowers need to be transported from the producing place to the market-place for selling; however, to the cut flowers, transporting is one of the disadvantageous operation because when the cutting flowers are boxed up, the worse surroundings, and the acts of moving and transporting might cause the vibrating damages. But there is no information showing the vibration effects indeed caused the cut flower's quality inferior. By using the vibration's testing machine, the vibration of the vehicle on highways. Based on the above, this study decides to discuss the effects of the vibration to the cut flowers' qualities; thereamong, the effects are including the cutting flowers' variation of fresh weight, respiration rate, the producing quantity of the ethylene, etc. The experimental cut flowers of this study were domestic red ”Dianthus caryophyius”. Put the cut flowers into the respiration vat vertically, vibrated it with 20 Hz frequency for 4 hours continuously, rest the vat for 2 hours after vibration. Duration the experiment, it took data in every 2 hours. The results showed that the wilted time of the flowers treated with vibration were earlier, and the loss rate of fresh weight was larger than that without such treatment. Duration the vibration, cut flowers' respiration rate rose conspicuously, and in the beginning of vibration the influence was largest. The more time vibrated, the lower respiration. After vibration, the ethylene of some flowers could be detected. The ethylene of the flowers vibrated could be measured at 6(superscript th) days, while the ethylene of the flowers without vibrated could be measured at 7(superscript th) days. All the flowers treated with vibration produced higher quantity of Ethylene than that without such treatment. Thus, cut flowers'vase life could be reduced due the vibration.


