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Analysis of Mechanism Design for Motion Performance of the Swing Nozzle Linkage-Crank Center Located on the Motion Line of Slider


為提昇設施內自走式自動噴霧裝置之葉背噴霧效果,設計噴頭上下垂直擺動噴架,模擬人工揮動噴頭進行噴霧作業。完成曲柄滑塊機構應用於擺動噴頭之位移、速度及加速度之運動方程式推演分析,應用解析法結合程式設計精確計算出運動軌跡資料,補製圖法之不足。並發現滑塊r3於曲柄r1旋轉之上行程位移量小於下行程位移量。當曲柄r1於θ1為0º之起始位置時,若要噴頭槓桿r4保持水平,則中間支點P(下標 y)之位置需位於噴頭槓桿施力點D點行程之中點上方,其垂直距離為上下行程之位移差,r1迴轉一圈形成的r4偏擺型態呈現上下不對稱,仰角區域大於俯角區域。滑塊化之速度極值發生於θ1爲180º之後及360º之前,該時刻A(下標 c)為零。當P(下標 y)位置定在D點行程中點,曲柄r1於θ1為0º之起始位置時,噴頭槓桿r4爲俯角向下,r1迴轉一圈形成的r4偏擺型態呈現上下對稱,仰角區域等於俯角區域。因此,影響噴頭槓桿r4之俯仰角度變化之因素為噴頭槓桿取之支點P與D點之相對位置、連桿r2及曲柄r1之長度。運用機構設計之解析法結合程式設計,能夠在合理條件下改變桿件尺寸,快速地獲得運動結果,此結果為設計試驗機構之重要參考,對提昇機構設計可靠度具有貢獻。


The self-propelled spraying equipment with swing nozzle carrier, which simulates the operator handle spraying gun, would improve the spraying deposition of particles on the back leaves in a pesticide application. This study analyzes the displacement, velocity and acceleration of a crank-slider linkage for swing nozzles. Mechanism analysis using Matlab program could evaluate the motion trajectories precisely, and found that the displacements of slider r3 at upper and lower stroke was unequal, which could not be obtained by drawing manually. The nozzle lever r4 keeps horizontal when the crank rotates from its initial position, P(subscript y) must be fixed above the middle of moving path of point D. Then, the tilt-up and tilt-down ranges of the nozzle lever r4 were not symmetrical. The maximum linear velocities of slider r3 occurs both at θ1 more than 180º and less than 360°, where the time A(subscript c) was zero. When P(subscript y) was fixed in the middle of moving path of point D, the nozzle lever r keep in the tilt- down position when the crank stays at the initial position, the tilt-up and tilt-down ranges of nozzle lever r4 were symmetrical. So, the factors that affect the tilt range of r4 were the position of P relative to D, or, the length of r1 and r2. Analysis of mechanism design combined with programming could obtain design data quickly when the linkage parameters changed reasonably.


