  • 期刊


Establishment of Quality Control on Innovative Product Design


本文旨在探究三峽藍染藝術街創意產業服務流程在藍染創意商品設計品質量表建立,並運用數位印花紡織科技驗證傳統藍染手工技法,所呈現藍靛純色與圖騰再現性分析。鑒於台灣在地文化特色加值與創意產業並進,以三峽藍染藝術街為產業個案探析建立藍染創意商品設計品質量表,運用數位印花科技技術1進行複製與保存藍染工藝技法之圖騰與藍靛色彩數位資料化為研究目的。並以業者與消費者為研究對象,為深入了解實際運作情形,透過回顧國內外相關文獻、訪談法及現場觀察等途徑取得相關研究資料,並親自了解體驗創意商品設計品質服務現況。依據1960年代源起自日本的品質機能展開(Quality function deployment, QFD)手法,藉由顧客心聲(Voice of customer)的收集與分析,進而設計並製造出真正符合,甚至超過顧客預期的商品。因此以QFD應用在藍染創意商品設計發展、品質管理及顧客需求分析,以品質屋展開模式達成一連串的矩陣分析,並將顧客心聲經過品質機能展開方法轉換為創意商品的設計量表策略,茲針對藍染創意商品設計展開品質屋之六項基本架構Hauser (1988):1.顧客需求2.工程分析3.競爭分析4.相關分析5.技術評估6.關係矩陣,可提供業者於未來在藍染創意商品設計品質準則與策略研擬時之重要參考依據。研究結果得到以下三點結論:(1)創意商品設計品質重要性具有以下四點特質:A.是顧客購買意願一商品特色的要素;B.是產業生存與成功的法則;C.可提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度;D.可提升產業營運績效。(2)創意產業服務流程在藍染創意商品設計品質量表建立,可建構完整的創意商品設計品質量表。(3)針對三峽藍染藝術街於藍染創意商品設計品質內容應由染液原料、藍染特色、及後製工法三方面予以強化,以確保創意商品設計品質,提升顧客滿意度及購買意願。


This paper is aimed at investigating the creative industry service procedures of Sanxia indigo dyeing art street that are included in the quality scale of creative indigo dyeing product design, using the technology of digital textile printing to check traditional indigo dyeing handicraft, and showing an analysis of pure indigo and totem reproducibility. As the characteristics of local culture are value-added and creative industry is developing in Taiwan, this paper features following purposes: making a case study of Sanxia indigo dyeing art street, constructing quality scale of creative indigo dyeing product design, as well as utilizing digital printing technology 1 to replicate and save the totem of indigo dyeing handicraft and the digital data of indigo color. With practitioners and consumers as research objects, this paper probes into practical operations through obtaining relevant data by means of domestic and foreign literature review, interview, field observation, etc., and experiencing current situations of creative product design quality service. According to Quality Function Deployment (QFD) originated from Japan in 1960, through collecting and analyzing voice of customer, we can design and produce products that really meet or even exceed customers' expectations. Therefore, QFD can be applied into the development of creative indigo dyeing product design, quality management and customer requirements analysis. ”House of quality” deployment model is used to accomplish a series of matrix analyses. Through quality function deployment, voice of customer is converted into design scale strategy of creative product. In current paper, six basic frameworks of house of quality (Hauser 1988) are deployed for creative indigo dyeing product design, including: 1. customer demand, 2. engineering analysis, 3. competition analysis, 4. correlation analysis, 5. technology assessment, 6. proximity matrix, so as to provide practitioners important references for quality principles and strategies of creative indigo dyeing product design. Three conclusions are obtained: (1) The importance of creative product design quality is reflected in the following four aspects: A. it is a key element of customer purchasing intention-product feature; B. it is a rule of industry existence and success; C. it can enhance customers' satisfaction and loyalty; D. it can improve the operating performance of the industry. (2) If creative industry service procedures are included in the quality scale of creative indigo dyeing product design, complete quality scale of creative product design can be constructed. (3) Creative indigo dyeing product design quality of Sanxia indigo dyeing art street should be strengthened in terms of dye liquor materials, indigo dyeing features and post processing techniques, so as to ensure the quality of creative product design and enhance customers' satisfaction and purchasing intention.
