  • 期刊


Helicopter Parenting Relevant to Fashion Design Student's Hands-On Making Attitude and Practice Course Interest


本研究旨在探討媽寶行為覺知對時尚設計系學生動手做態度與實作課程學習興趣之相關性,以立意取樣方式抽取臺灣南部地區大學校院時尚設計系所一年級至四年級學生進行紙本問卷調查。資料分析方式係以IBM SPSS 23.0進行信度與效度分析及PLS統計軟體進行結構方程模型之路徑分析。研究結果顯示:(一)媽寶行為覺知對於動手做態度呈現負相關;(二)媽寶行為覺知對於實作課程興趣呈現負相關;(三)動手做態度對實作課程興趣呈現正相關。


This study aims to investigate helicopter parenting relevant to fashion design student's hands-on making attitude and course practicing interest. Purposive sampling was carried out on the freshman to senior year students that are studying fashion design at a technological university in southern part of Taiwan. The analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS 23.0 to analyze reliability analysis, validity analysis, and t-test. Furthermore, partial least squares (PLS) analysis was used to analyze structural equation modeling (SEM). The results are as follows: (1) Perceived helicopter parenting was negatively related to hands-on making attitude. (2) Perceived helicopter parenting was negatively related to attitude practicing interest. (3) Hands-on making attitude were positively related to course practicing interest.
