  • 學位論文


Applying Fashion Attractive Elemnts in Fashion Design

指導教授 : 林家旭


本研究以2010年流行服裝產品做為研究的樣本,透過專家效度印證使用者、設計者對於商品魅力的認知,針對流行文化之服裝商品的魅力因子進行探討。由五位在服裝領域有所接觸與了解的受訪者對於2010年流行服裝加以分析,萃取出服裝的魅力因子,引導受訪者表達出平時難以具體描述的感受,藉以找出2010年流行服裝的魅力因素。本研究初步使用KJ法將2010年流行服裝風格分為「性感芭比」、「浪漫俏妞」、「休閒巴里島」、「中性騎士」、「極簡北歐」以及「都會女強人」等6種風格。 後續以魅力工學評價構造法(Evaluation Grid Method; EGM)為基礎,探討受測者對服裝商品所感受到的魅力因子,進行擬定服裝設計之評價分析,整理並檢討設計特點形成產品流行之可行性,經由數量化I類量化分析各類目影響權重值。此階段顯示影響2010年流行服裝的魅力因素包括26個類目。 最後應用影響服裝設計的魅力要素,依其權重值(Range)影響程度的大小分別以「休閒巴里島」、「性感芭比」、「都會女強人」」、「極簡北歐」為四種服裝設計系列主題,作為驗證服裝設計魅力的樣本。結果顯示,服裝魅力因素影響程度愈大,其服裝設計系列之魅力評價愈高。此結果驗證本研究所使用的KJ法、EGM及數量化I類所得之2010年流行服裝魅力因子,應用於服裝設計之可行性。


This study confirms the validity by experts, users, designers for product awareness charm. Apparel products in this study as the study sample, the apparel industry for the pop culture products into discussion of attraction factor, from the seven they have contacts in the apparel and understanding of the respondents to be of popular clothing in 2010, extraction the clothing charm factor and lead to related respondents expressed normally difficult to describe the feelings of specific assessment, to identify popular clothing in 2010 charm factor. The presentation of preliminary results of clothing has a "pandemic represents" six clusters as follows: " Sexy Barbie ", " Romantic Girls ", " Leisure Bali ", " Neutral Knight ", " Minimalist Nordic " and "City woman." Based on the Evaluation Grid Method , investigate subjects feels good of clothing charm factor, to conduct evaluation of the development of fashion design, and review the design features of the Popular products feasibility, By the Quantification I analysis of various types of impact Range. This stage show the charm of 2010 popular clothing includes 26 categories. Final application the attractive elements of fashion Design. According to Range ranking with "Leisure Bali", "Sexy Barbie", "City woman", "Minimalist Nordic" of the four series of clothing design, costume design for the validation of charm sample. The results show a large degree of clothing charm, the charm evaluation of the Fashion Design will be higher. The results show KJ method, EGM and Quantification I used in this study, showing 2010 popular clothing charm, application on fashion design.


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