  • 期刊


Field Trial and Study for the Integration of WAVE/DSRC and Bus Signal Priority


自2009年以來,由於車載短距無線通訊(WAVE/DSRC)技術的迅速發展,使得許多短距無線通訊技術應用於智慧型運輸系統,藉以提升其營運管理自動化及服務品質的概念或構想愈來愈能夠落實並蓬勃發展。因此,如何有效應用最新的車載短距無線通訊技術,蒐集並傳送正確的即時(Real Time)交通資訊,據以擬訂並實施交通導引或控制策略,確實為目前改善交通運輸問題,進一步提升智慧型運輸系統運作績效的重要課題。本研究基於擴展車載短距無線通訊之應用及發展大眾運輸、提升公車服務品質之目的,乃進行應用車載短距無線通訊設備於單一路口公車號誌優先之竹北場域測試,以確認車載短距無線通訊之技術應用可行性,並建立合適的控制邏輯架構。


Since 2009, the rapid development of wireless access in vehicular environments/dedicated short range communication (WAVE/DSRC) has made it possible to enhance the transportation operation/management automation and service quality by applying the short range wireless communication technologies to intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Therefore, how to effectively apply the advanced WAVE/DSRC to collect and transmit correct real-time traffic information and then develop and implement traffic guidance or control strategies has become an important issue in the enhancement of ITS operational performance to improve traffic and transportation problems. This study conducts an experimental design of simulation by applying the WAVE/DSRC equipment to the bus signal priority at a single intersection based on the purpose of extension of WAVE/DSRC application, mass transit development, and bus service quality improvement. The feasibility of WAVE/DSRC technology is also verified in the Chupei field trial. In addition, an appropriate control logic framework is developed.
