  • 期刊


Students' Concept Development on "Transport in Plant" in the Junior High Level


本研究旨在研究國中學生之植手運輸概念的發展情形。研究方法是對國一、國二、國三及高一四個年級各十名學生進行一對一的臨床晤談,其內容係以教科書中植物運輸概念爲主要依據。晤談結果經過分析及歸類,統整成知識類型與相對應人數,呈現於概念圖上,再比較各年級之差異。本研究之結果摘要如下: 植物的運輸構造及功能方面:四個年級學生普遍能說明,植物籍根部獲得水分,莖部運輸水分的部位在維管束,根、莖、葉輸導組織中的水分是相通的。一般而言,國二、國三和高一學生對植物運輸的構造、名稱、位置、功能認識較清楚,國一學生則大多不知道或未曾聽聞。 運輸的物質方面:四個年級大部分學生能夠肯定植物的根部可吸收水分、礦物質,及多餘水分由氣孔蒸散出去。但僅部分學生知道與氣孔相連的氣室中含有水蒸氣,其他學生難以貫徹整個水分運輸的過程和細節。 運輸的方向:約四分之三的國中學生能夠確定水分由根部吸收後,向上運輸。國二、國三及高一學生能更進一步指出水分的運輸必須經由木質部來完成。在養分的運輸方向上,國中學生缺少「源頭區」與「缺乏區」的觀念。大部分學生具有「根在養分運輸過程中佔有主導地位」之迷思概念。 影響因素方面:僅部分學生可說出蒸散作用是水分上昇的原動力。四個年級學生對影響蒸散作用之因素的瞭解相去不遠。學生對年輪成因的瞭解程度似隨年級而遞增,但若配合生活中常見的實例,答對人數反而減少,顯示出部分學生缺乏應用知識的能力。




This study was aimed at investigating the conceptual developemnt of ”transportation in plants” at the junior high level. The clinical interview questions was designed based on junior high level textbook. Forty students from grade 7 to 10 were interviewed; The data were analyzed, grouped into knowledge categories and presented by the concept map, so as to compare the differences among grade 7 to 10. The major conclusions are summarized as following: On the topic of plant transport structure and function system: students from grade 7 to 10 commonly know that plants get water by roots. Water is transported by vascular bundle in stem. Roots, sterns, and leafs are continuous system for water movement. Generally speaking, students from grade 8 to 10 know clearly plant transport structure, terms, locations, and functions, and seventh grade students almost don't know or hear them. On the topic of transported materials: most students can affirm that the root of. the plant can absorb water and minerals, and that unnecessary water transpirates from the stoma. But only some students know air space contents water vapor. It's difficult for the other students to have a thorough understanding about the process and detail of water transportation. On the topic of the transport direction: near three-fourth students convince that water is transported upward from the root. Students of grade 8 to 10 can point out furthermore that water must be transported by xylem. For the direction of nutrient transportation, few students have the 'sink' and ”source” idea. Many students have the misconception-root is the main nutrient transport system. On the topic of the influential factors: a few students understand that transpiration is the power of water ascending. Students of grade 7 to 10 are similar in understanding the influential factors of transportation. The older students are, the further they seems to understand the annual rings. But when normal examples were given, they could not answer expectedly. It reveals that some students are short of the ability to make use of knowledge.


