  • 學位論文


Building a Ubiquitous Learning System for the Instruction of Natural and Life Sciences- A Case Study of Plant Teaching

指導教授 : 廖岳祥


本研究藉由設計一套無所不在學習環境下的校園植物學習系統(Simple Ubiquitous Campus Plant Learning System, SUCPLS),進行無所不在學習模式之研究,並探討透過此學習系統與傳統教學在校園植物認識的學習成效差異,進而瞭解學生使用本系統的滿意度。本研究之實驗對象為南投縣某國小五年級學生,在進行實驗教學前,先對學生實施認識校園植物的前測,並且分析測驗結果,亦將學生之學習狀態資料存入學習歷程資料庫。此外,在學生以身分識別卡登入SUCPLS後,當學生走到植物前,使用RFID(無線射頻辨識系統)的Reader讀取置於植物解說牌後的Tag之後,系統會根據學生學習歷程資料庫中的學生學習歷程檔案,提供學生適性化之學習內容。隨後,學生手上的筆記型電腦(NB)就會顯示學生所需的學習資料,例如:該植物的名稱、俗名、原產地、特徵、特殊用途、葉序及葉形等相關資訊,並有語音解說,讓學生樂於去到訪這些植物,以提昇學生的學習興趣。在系統實驗教學結束後,針對學生施以後測,藉以評量學生的學習效果,並建議學生須加強學習的部份,同時將後測資料存入資料庫,以作為往後適性化教學之依據。根據學生的測驗結果顯示,本研究所提出之校園植物無所不在學習系統,確實對於學生的學習成效有相當顯著的改善。


In this research, a ubiquitous plant learning system, which is called Simple Ubiquitous Campus Plant Learning System (SUCPLS), is constructed for the research on the learning models under ubiquitous learning environment. Moreover, the differences of the learning performances between the campus plant learning by ubiquitous learning system and that by traditional instructions are analyzed to obtain the satisfaction degree of students on using the proposed ubiquitous learning system. The 5th-grade students of an elementary school in Nantou County are involved in the experiments of this research. Before doing the experiments, the pre-tests on campus plant learning are administered, and the test results are analyzed. In addition, the data regarding the learning statuses of the students are inputted into the learning portfolio database. Besides, after a student logging into the SUCPLS, the student can walk to a plant and scan the RFID tag attached on the plant, and then the system will deliver adaptive learning materials to the student according her/his learning portfolio. Afterward the information of the plant is displayed on the monitor of the student’s notebook computer and the vocal explanation regarding the plant is played to raise the student’s interest in learning. After the implementation of experimental instructions by the proposed ubiquitous learning system, the post-tests are administered to evaluate the learning performances of the students, and the suggestions on learning are provided to the students as well. Furthermore, the test results are inputted to the database as the useful references for future adaptive instructions. According to the post-test results of the students, it reveals that the proposed ubiquitous learning system could significantly improve the learning performances of the students.


Ubiquitous Learning RFID SUCPLS


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