  • 期刊


An Elementary Teacher's Action Research on Scaffolding Students in Talking Science




科學對談 鷹架


The purposes of this study are to explore the characteristics of thirty-six elementary students' science talks and generate the influencing factors that obstruct students from joining in talking science, after then, the teacher researcher scaffolds students skills for them to participate in science talks based on the derived findings. According to the purposes stated above, the whole research was divided into two action cycles. In the first action cycle, the teacher researcher put emphasis on physical and psycho-social perspectives while establishing a non-threatening learning environment for students to involve in. In the second action cycle, the teacher researcher focused on improving students' oral communication skills in co-constructing theories. The taped science talks, student-response surveys, interviews and field notes were collected for triangulating and analyzing by the constant comparative methods. Sprod's epistemic games and utterances analysis were also applied to determine the characteristics and variations of students' talks in the two action cycles. It is found that the students exhibit twelve strategies in joining in the science talks, and the three categories of strategies they adopted have impacts on the pattern and trend of a science talk. Besides, the difficulty level of a topic, peer-support, and self-confidence and ability of students are major influence factors on their engagement in the talks. Through the teacher researcher's scaffolding, the students performed better in focusing the talks and forming arguments in terms of the embedded logical structure. However, under the limited scaffolding skills, the teacher researcher was impeded from facilitating students in co-construction useful theories. Suggestions for further action cycles and elementary science teaching were also provided.


