  • 期刊


Coups D'état and Political Change in Thailand


2006年9月19日泰國軍方發動睽違15年的軍事政變,推翻泰國憲政史上第一個具國會絕對多數的塔信(Thaksin Shinawatra)政權,終結以選舉政治為基調的泰國「新政治」,軍人再度躍上政治舞台,1980年以來的泰國民主化進程一夕逆轉。然而,令人費解的是,泰國各界(各政黨領袖、整個官僚體系,甚至是知識份子)對於這起軍事政變的結果幾乎都是默認的,公開批判的聲音異常微弱。 泰國是軍事政變頻仍國家的典型,2006年919政變已是泰國自1932年廢除絕對君主政體、採行立憲體制以來的第20次軍事政變;然而泰國的軍事政變歷程自「時間序列」看並非平均發生,而是清晰地呈現出三個政變頻仍的「密集期」與三個制約政變的「間歇期」,構築出當代泰國政治的「惡性循環」模式。本文擬檢視軍事政變與文武關係理論文獻,就政治結構與過程針對泰國軍事政變提出解釋,並分析軍事政變對泰國政治變遷與民主進程的效應。


On 19 September 2006, an astonishing coup d'état launched in Bangkok successfully toppled Thaksin Shinawatra, the first majority elected prime minister in modern Thai constitutional history, and brought an end to the ‘New Politics’ in Thailand. Hence, the military has come into notice again and resulted in the democratic reverse of Thai politics. However, it is problematic that most of the political leaders, bureaucrats, and even the intellectuals seem to tacitly consent to the result of the 919 coup d'état whereas the critiques in public are rarely found. Attentions and questions are raised after the 919 coup d'état has been staged. Thailand is a state with frequent army-led coups. The 919 coup d’état is the 20(superscript th) coup since Thailand underwent a political transformation from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy in 1932. This paper argues that these perennial coups are not achieved in certain regular time pattern. The whole process of previous coups were composed of three 'concentrated period' as well as three 'intermittent period.' These periods together represent the 'vicious circle' of modern Thai politics. In order to further explore Thailand's political democratization, this paper seeks to review prevailing literatures on military coups and civil-military relations, to clarify the causes and consequences of Thailand's coups d'état in terms of political structure and process, and to end with a careful analysis on its implication to political transformation in Thailand.


coup d'état political changes Thai politics


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