  • 期刊


The Presidential Power of the Appointment of a Prime Minister and Government Stability in a Semi-presidential System




Presidential power has always been the focus of research on Semi-presidentialism, and among the various powers, whether the President has the substantive power to appoint the Prime Minister is often the key to assessing his constitutional role. Based on the Constitutional norms, this article attempts to "reclassify" the President's power to appoint the Prime Minister from the degree of the regulations, starting from the President's appointing Premier power whether it needs consent from the Congress. And further, distinguish the degree of threshold appointment which the Congress exercises the Cabinet Appointment/Consent Power. There are four categories of the Cabinet Appointment/Consent Power in terms of rigorous standards. In the first category, the president has direct power to appoint the Prime Minister: In the second category, the Congress exercises Cabinet Appointment/Consent Power : In the third category, the Prime Minister is designated as the candidate nominated by the majority of Congress: In the fourth category, there is a time limit for the completion of the appointment of the Prime Minister. We choose four countries with Premier-presidentialism systems as cases: France, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. Second, in the setting of dependent variables, this article controls the government association relationship with this variable, taking the period of "Cohabitation" in four countries to analyze whether the degree of different constitutional norms affects the relationship between "responsibility" and "checks and balances" between the president, the prime minister, and the parliament. The index involve: does the Congress has exercises No-confidence Vote? Government durability and degree of the President's legislative Power exercise those explain the influence of Cabinet Appointment Power on the stability of government. The study found, whether Congress has the Cabinet Appointment/Consent Power is not directly related to the stability of a Semi-presidentialism system. However, the Congress has exercised the Cabinet Appointment/Consent Power to ensure the stability of Semi-presidentialism during the Cohabitation is related to the degree of the Cabinet Appointment Power of the Constitution regulations.


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