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Cotton-Wool Spots in Diabetic Retinopathy


此篇報告即探討糖尿病人出現網膜綿絮狀斑,其與一些臨床因子有何統計上之關連性,我們觀察了124位非胰鳥素依賴型(Noninsulin dependent diabetes)之糖尿病患者,做了二組研究。研究一,有棉絮狀斑與無綿絮狀斑比較,發現有棉絮狀斑者,其:(1)患病期間長(2)血糖控制不好HbA1c值及空腹血糖值高(3)高血壓病史者多(舒張壓偏高)。研究二,探討病程相似者,其有無綿絮狀斑之臨床因子差異性,並以網膜症分類為二群,第一群為非增殖型糖尿病性網膜症,以有無綿絮狀斑比較其臨床因子之差異,結果有棉絮狀斑者其:(1)血糖控制不好(2)高血壓病史者多。第二群為增殖型糖尿病性網膜症,亦以有無棉絮狀斑比較,結果並未顯示有任何臨床因子之差異,向以上可知網膜出現棉絮狀斑與病程長,血糖控制不好及高血壓有關,但是一旦進入增殖期,則綿絮狀斑之出現與臨床因子無關連性。




We evaluated the statistical relationship between the presence of cotton-worl spots and clinical parameters in 124 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes. The series consisted of two studies. In study 1, we compared the group of diabetic retinopathy with cotton wool spots with that diabetic retinopathy without cotton-wool spots and found that the presence of cotton-wool spots was related to the long duration of diabetes, poor blood sugar control and coexistence of hypertension. In study 2, we selected the patients on the basis of the same duration of diabetes, and divided them into non PDR with cotton-wool spots and non PDR without CWS; and PDR with CWS and PDR without CWS. The presence of CWS in the group of non PDR was significantly related to the poor blood sugar control and the coexistence of hypertension. However, there was no such relation in the group of PDR.
