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Comparison of the Results of the Glaucomatous Field Loss on Frequency Doubling Perimetry and Autoperimetry


目的:本篇以Octopus 1-2-3電腦視野計為基準,比較FDP簡易視野計偵測青光眼視野缺損的能力。 方法:共分析14位青光眼病患之28隻眼睛,分別接受FDP簡易視野計的screening program,及Octopus電腦視野計G1X program之測試。以Hodapp-Parrish-Anderson criteria為計分標準,將視野分為四個象限,及中心5度,比較兩種測試中,病人各象限內之平均缺損總和之相關係數r,並推論母群體ρ。 結果:整體而言,FDP簡易視野計在偵測青光眼視野缺損的能力上,與電腦視野計呈高度相關(相關係數r=0.799,ρ=0.6446,p=0.05)。其中以顳側下半、鼻側上半及鼻側下半的相關程度較高,而以中心5度的相關程度最低。 討論:FDP簡易視野計確實可以做為一個快速而簡便,同時節省人力的青光眼篩檢儀器。本文並討論中心5度相關程度差的原因、FDP簡易視野計用在篩檢及診斷青光眼視野缺損上的效力,進而推論FDP簡易視野計用於偵測眼科其他疾病的價值。


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Parallel abstracts

Both FDP screening visual field test and Octopus G1X visual field test were performed in 28 eyes of 14 persons with glaucoma or glaucoma suspects. Compare the number of missed points modeled after the Hodapp-Parrish-Anderson criteria on the FDP test with G1X test in each eye, in each quadrant. The median time to complete the screening protocol of FDP was 1.3 minutes. There was high product-moment correlation coefficient (r=.799, rho=.6446, p=0.05) between G1X and FDP. Temporal upper (TU), nasal upper (NU), nasal lower (NL) showed good capability for screen and diagnose the glaucomatous visual field defect, otherwise, central region had less correlation than that. We concluded that screening protocol of FDP is a time saving, economical substitute for glaucomatous visual field screening.

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