  • 期刊

以Post-Acceptance Model探討影響護理人員持續使用e化護理工作站之因素

Modifying the Post-Acceptance Model to explore factors that nurses continued use of e-nursing workstation


目的:本研究著重於探討導入e化護理工作站後,護理人員的使用現況與影響其持續使用的因素。材料與方法:本研究使用後接受模式(Post-Acceptance Model),針對雲林縣第一家導入e化護理工作站資訊系統之醫院的護理人員為研究對象,使用問卷調查方式收集相關資料,問卷主要由三大部分構成,分別為個人基本資料、e化護理工作站之使用現況與持續使用該護理站之看法。結果:護理人員對使用e化護理工作站的看法多為正向及認同。當護理人員對e化護理工作站的確認度越高,則對e化護理工作站的實用性、滿意度、與持續使用度越高。結論:本研究結果可提供未來或正在發展e化護理工作站e化護理工作站之醫院參考,藉此降低醫院發展行動護理資訊系統失敗之風險,並提升護理人員持續使用,以提供病人照護的即時性、完整性、連續性,進而提高其照護品質。


Objective: This study focuses those factors which influenced the continuous use of e-nursing workstation. Materials and Methods: A case hospital in Yunlin County in Taiwan that first adopted e-nursing workstation was used as our research subject. Questionnaire survey was used to collect relevant information with three parts: demographic data, opinions and feelings toward e-nursing workstation, current usage status and influencing factors. Results: All of the nurses indicated that they had positive responses to using the system and were satisfied with the e-nursing workstation and planned to continue using them. Conclusions: The results of this study provide opinions for hospitals while developing e-nursing workstation. When hospitals developed e-nursing workstations will satisfy with the results for enhancing nurses' willingness to use the stations and for providing continuous patient care.
