  • 期刊


On Zhu Zi's Moral Cultivation in Treatment of Desire-Starting from Zhu Zi's Discussion on Renxin Daoxin




朱子 人心 道心 寡欲 無欲 工夫


Traditionally, the Confucian's moral cultivation in treatment of desire is divided into lesser desires and desirelessness. If we look at it literally, it seems that the two cannot coexist, actually they can. According to Zhu Zi (朱子)'s thought, these two kinds have settled down, these two kinds of motal cutivation have no contraction because we notice that in his theory of renxin daoxin (人心道心), Zhu Zi divides desires into two kinds, and treating renxin daoxin separately with lesser desire and desirelessness. This paper first explores the origin of Zhu Zi's problematic of renxin daoxin, that is, the problematic of Cheng brothers's renxin daoxin. Secondly, Zhu Zi used his own understanding of renxin daoxin to solve the problem of Cheng brothers's renxin daoxin. Finally, this paper will explore the important meaning of Zhu Zi's understanding of renxin daoxin, that is, the difference between desires, Zhu Zi's treatment of desires in his moral cultivation.


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〔魏〕何晏注,〔宋〕邢昺疏:《論語注疏》,臺北:臺灣古籍,2002 年。
〔漢〕趙岐注,〔宋〕孫奭疏:《孟子注疏》,臺北:臺灣古籍,2002 年。
[宋]周敦頤著:《周敦頤集》,北京:中華書局,2009 年。
[宋]程顥、程頤著:《二程集》,北京:中華書局,2014 年。
