  • 期刊


The Persuasion Process of Ad Pictures: A Test of Alternative Models of Ad Attitude


本研究探討廣告圖片在心情與涉入的影響下的廣告態度中介模式。131位大學生依心情(正向、中性)與訊息涉入程度(高、低)分組,觀看含有相關或無關圖片的果汁汽水廣告,然後比較MacKenzie et al. (1986)提出的四種廣告態度中介模式在各情境下的適合度。結果發現,除了中性心情/高涉入情境適用「獨立影響假說」外,其他三種情境皆以「情感移轉假說」配適度最佳。涉入程度越高,品牌認知→品牌態度的關係越強,但圖片相關程度→廣告認知、廣告認知→廣告態度的效果則減弱。正面心情的作用主要在加強廣告態度→品牌態度的關係,在高涉入時尤其明顯。


This study examines the persuasion process of ad pictures, and the moderating role of involvement and mood. One-hundred and thirty-one college students read print ads containing either product-relevant or irrelevant picture and then indicated their attitudes and cognitive responses. The four mediation models proposed by MacKenzie et al. (1986) were tested against the data for each of the four involvement x mood conditions. The results show that the ”independent influence model” fits best for high involvement/neutral mood condition, and the ”affect transfer model” shows the best fit for the other three conditions. As involvement increases, the effect of brand cognition on brand attitude increases, but the effects of picture relevance on ad cognition, ad cognition on ad attitude decrease. Positive mood can facilitate the influence of ad attitude on brand attitude, especially when the involvement is high.


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