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Can Sociology Be Decoupled from Radical Democracy?-Revisiting C. Wright Mills' "Sociological Imagination"




Sociological Imagination, a term coined by C. Wright Mills in the late 50s, is an attempt to redefine the social role and modus operandi of sociology or social science in general. It is a head-on confrontation with the post-WWII mainstream social science shaped by the ideology of modernization. In meeting the challenge posed by neo-liberal globalization, sociological imagination is especially relevant to the critical prospect of radical democracy. Challenging the prevailing dichotomy between the Method and the Theory, Sociological Imagination brings real and significant problems to the forefront. For Mills, significant problematics come initially from personally experienced troubles. But only through the knowledge of social structure can we transform personal troubles into public issues. And this transformation requires the intervention of sociological imagination. Therefore, the idea of sociological imagination is an appeal to sociologists to forsake their role of machine intellectual under fragmented bureaucratic knowledge production, and to become intellectual craftsmen, the latter assume the critical task of enlightenment intellectuals. Mills believe that, in the ”post-modern” condition, the link between reason and freedom has been broken, and as a consequence, the ”happy robot” phenomenon emerged. Sociological imagination is to realize the democratic potential inherent in modernity by empowering the subject as a subject of inquiry. To uphold the status of reason in contemporary life is what distinguishes sociological imagination from other strands of counter-modernity, such as traditionalism, fascism, communitarianism, and postmodernism. In the last section of this paper, sociological imagination is expected to update its critical potentiality in facing the challenge of contemporary ideology of modernization-the free-market neo-liberal globalization.


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