  • 期刊


Mirage of Modernity: Pas De Deux of Consumption and Production




Through my ethnographic study of one labor export station in Anhui and a training session for domestic workers in Beijing, I examine how the power of post-Mao modernity relies on pas de deux of consumption and production in inciting and disciplining young migrant women, which produce them as longing consumer subjects in the countryside and as producers of labor power for consumption in the city. The bodies of domestic workers, inextricably grounded in labor, are caught in contradictions of production and consumption that are specific to their subject position. I argue that the process of migration, imbricated with pas de deux of consumption and production, is a process of re-collecting the self in contradictions. I also link this with contradiction of production and consumption in my analysis of the minor cultural battle waged by Anhui readers against the publication of a virulent satire of migrant women in Shanghai and argue that migrant women are largely erased in the battle that is putatively waged on their behalf. I will show that migrant women, particularly domestic workers, will be further erased, rejected or symbolically disowned in the campaign for the new image of Anhui. The problem surrounding migrant women straddling the contradictions further reflect the difficulty of contemporary Chinese society in articulating a structural coherence and integration.


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