



This paper attempts to explore the historical connection and power complication between the emergence of ”the nation's new clothes” at the turn of last century and the appearance of ”the Empire's new clothes” at the turn of this century. It is divided into three parts. Part Ⅰ focuses on the political fabrication of ”the national dress” by taking the Indian khadi and the Chinese Chung-San suits as two major examples of sartorial decolonization in the process of nation-building. It will map out the ideological confrontation between the Western suits as ”new clothes of Imperialism” and khadi and Chung-San suits as ”new clothes of nationalism,” highlighting the latter's powerful appeal from everyday local practice to international circulation of images. Part Ⅱ will take Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Empire as frame of reference to explore the possible formation of ”the Empire's new clothes” in the era of globalization by taking the summit fashion show of APEC as the major target. It will compare and contrast the national dress of the twentieth century as a sign of political opposition and the ”national dress” of the twenty-first century as a window display of cultural diversity by delineating their differences in terms of historical context, body politics and power deployment. Part Ⅲ will shift the focus back to the current debate on ”Taiwan Shan” by contextualizing the issue in local politics and history. It will trace the emergence of ”Taiwan Shan” as a sartorial naming in Taiwan for the purpose of differentiation under Japanese colonization. It will also argue why the design and promotion of ”Taiwan Shan” in the present discourse of globalization as the new clothes of both the nation and the empire makes itself a (post) national mission impossible.


The Australian
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