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The Relationships among Defense Environment, Strategies and Resources Allocation: The Case of Taiwan R.O.C.




Strategies are the means of defense system for adapting the environmental changes, policies for a11cating defense budget are the implementation of strategies. In theory, both of them are consistent through the operation of integrated management system. However, it has been discovered that the policies, in practice, are always far from strategies owing to the interaction of different powers in the process of management. The reasons for that could be unclear relations between environment, strategies and resources allocation, no good theory for guiding managemental process, and lacking good instrument for selecting approprate policies for defense budget. In this research, the relevant factors of defense system and its environment will be considered in terms of interaction between system and environment, and the selection of strategic patterns, strategic objectives and allocation policies for different environmental types will be presented Base on the case of Republic of China, the casual loop structure of defense budget system and system Ynamics model for allocating defense budget are constructed with system dynamics approach Through this model the allocation policies for achieving strategic objectives under different situation of military power can be realized.


李永期(2009)。國家經濟能力、兵力結構、國防負擔與 國防預算關係之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900535
