  • 期刊


Prospect and Cost Analysis of Future Substitution for Petroleum and Natural Gas (Ⅰ)


尋求石油替代的必須性,原因在於:石油需求量繼續增加;世界石油供給很快達到頂峰而下降;各國憂心能源及經濟安全;目前能源供給大多倚賴傳統之中東油源,儲藏量有限,且政治不安定,油價受制於人;目前認知之替代燃料及再生能源雖然較潔淨,但大部分替代程度小,需要尋求大量的能源供給。 尋求資源的源源供給,並減少對環境的衝擊,各方積極倡用替代燃料及再生能源。然而這些淨潔能源都有其限制,所以儲量眾多的非傳統油氣也在尋求及發展之列。 本報告將分三大類分析,即非傳統油氣(包括油砂、非傳統氣體資源、油頁岩、及甲燒水合物)、其他替代能源、及再生能源。對於其儲量、目前開發及使用情形、未來供應及使用預測、技術成熟度及可行性予以評估。對各項替代能源之成本及效益予以剖析。 能源的兩大用途就是供作發電及燃料用。替代傳統石油及天然氣者除了成本要能競爭外,儲藏量及供應量也要足以抗衡。某些替代燃料及再生能源,雖因原油飆漲而成本足以與之競爭,但在供應量卻有限制,目前及短期的未來只能替代部分的現有能源,大部分都是供發電用,其供應量及發電成本將予以分析比較。 全世界目前初級能源分配約為(%):石油35,天然氣21,煤炭22,核能7,水力3,其餘(12%)為生質能及其他。考量未來可替代石油者,必須在成本上能與之競爭,而且量能充分供應。 到2030年,全球對各種能源的需求增量,以油當量計算,約是目前沙烏地阿拉伯石油產量的10倍。屆時的日需求量將從目前的2.2億桶油當量(相當於每年800億桶)供給增加到3.35億桶油當量(每年1, 223億桶)。 到2030年之前,傳統油氣仍是世界主要的能源來源,約佔能源供給的60%。預計天然氣需求量以每年超過2%的速度上升,到2030年,天然氣將占能源總量的25%。非傳統能源的供給將持續增加。 非傳統油氣資源蘊藏量相當龐大,比目前已知油藏及可能發現之油藏總和還要多,將可使用100至1,000年,為未來可能取代傳統油氣者。唯一未確定者是傳統與非傳統油氣轉換的過渡期間,過程可能緩慢,但必須要完善與沒有經濟上的不齊一。


This report has three sections: unconventional oil and gas (oil sands, unconventional gases, oil shale, and methane hydrate), other alternative fuels, and renewable energy. This paper will covered their reserves, production, consumption, future supply, and forecast of applications. Technical appraisal and cost effectiveness will also be included. There are two main applications of energy resources, power generation and fuel usage. Two subjects should be evaluated for their substitution for conventional oil and natural gas cost and amount of reserve and supply. Many of alternative fuels and renewable energy are cost effective due to recent price hike of crude. Their supplies are limited. They will replace or replenish small portion of conventional energy supply. Most of them are for power generation. Their cost and supply will be analyzed. At present time, the distribution of global primary energy consumption (%): petroleum 35, natural gas 21, coal 22, nuclear energy 7, hydraulic 3, the rest (12%) are biomass and others. To 2030, the world energy requirement will be 10-fold of present oil supply of Saudi-Arabia. The daily consumption will be 335 million barrels of oil equivalent, up from present 220 million barrels of oil equivalent. The amount of unconventional oil and gas is huge, more than those of total proven reserve of conventional oil and gas. The amount might be used for 100 to 1,000 years for the whole world. They may be the candidates for future substitution of petroleum and natural gas.


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