  • 期刊


Reflections on the Service Learning of Library and Information Science Majors




Service learning takes experiential learning situated in social contexts as its educational foundation. This study aims to analyze reflections on service work proposed from the perspective of library and information science majors and from the perspective of university library personnel. Interviewing and documentary data are gathered for qualitative assessment. Results of the study reveal several important issues involved in service learning, including pre-service preparations, integration of professional skills with the needs of service work, attitudes towards group communication and management, and self-reflections on professional growth. In addition, reactions from library personnel are worth being taken into consideration, which can be observed from aspects such as the needs for human resources, requests for service work, operation with service work, and future expectations for service work. In view of the perspectives respectively proposed by library and information science majors and by university library personnel, this study submits some suggestions for the current implementation of service learning and for further research.


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