  • 期刊

Gender Differences in Occupational Stress and Health among Legal Professionals in Taiwan



目標:了解工作壓力及健康功能之性別差異,及「負荷-控制-支持」與「付出-回饋失衡」兩種不同工作壓力模型,對於男性及女性司法從業人員造成之不良健康功能影響。方法:本橫斷性研究之樣本係來自6個地方法院,1個高等法院,3個地方檢察署及26個法律事務所之193位男性及170位女性司法從業人員。以中文版之「負荷控制支持量表」及「付出回饋失衡量表」測量工作壓力,以簡式「生活品質量表」測量健康功能,並以復迴歸統計方式在控制年齡、婚姻狀況、工作內容、年資、每日工作時數後,分析女性對於男性在不良健康功能之勝算比,及個別性別之工作壓力模型與不良健康功能間之關連性。結果:男性司法從業人員回報顯著較女性司法從業人員為高之工作控制(70.54 vs. 66.46)與工作滿意度(59.99 vs. 57.45)。女性回報顯著低於男性之身體功能(90.23 vs. 93.80)、身體疼動(72.73 vs. 77.68)、社會功能(66.25 vs. 72.85)及心理健康(58.02 vs. 62.41)。工作壓力與不良健康關係間之關連性有顯著之性別差異。我們發現男性的不良健康功能與工作負荷較顯著相關,而付出回饋失衡與男女性之不良健康功能影響則較為平等。結論:性別差異存在於司法從業人員之工作壓力、健康功能及不同工作壓力模型與不良健康狀態之關聯性強度上。


This study sought to determine gender differences in occupational stress and health and to compare the strength of association between two occupational stress models, demand-control-support (DCS) and effort-reward imbalance (ERI), on poor health among male and female legal professionals. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 193 male and 170 female legal professionals from 6 district courts, 1 appeals court, 3 District Procurators Offices and 26 law firms. The Chinese versions of Karasek job content questionnaire (C-JCQ) and Siegrist effort-reward imbalance questionnaire (C-ERI) were used to evaluate occupational stress, and the International Quality of Life Assessment Short Form-36 (IQOLA SF-36) questionnaire to evaluate health. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the odds ratio of poor health among female legal professionals versus male legal professionals, and the gender-specific association between DCS and ERI models and poor health adjusted for age, marital status, job content, years of work experience, and working hours per day. Results: Male legal professionals scored significantly higher on job control (70.54 vs. 66.46) and job satisfaction (59.99 vs. 57.45) than did female legal professionals. Females scored significantly lower on physical function (90.23 vs. 93.80), bodily pain (72.73 vs. 77.68), social function (66.25 vs. 72.85) and mental health (58.02 vs. 62.41) than did males. There was a significant gender difference in the association between occupational stress and poor health. We found that men’s poor health was more significantly related to job strain while effort-reward imbalance was associated equally with poor health in both males and females. Conclusions: Gender differences exist in occupational stress, health and the strength of association between occupational stress models and poor health among legal professionals in Taiwan.


ERI gender JCQ legal professional occupational stress


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