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Web-based Management for Hospital Accreditation Application in Taiwan


醫院評鑑的目的在於確認醫療機構設施環境與人員作業符合基本安全規範與品質標準。由於申請評鑑所需提供書面資料數量龐大、內容及格式複雜,不論評鑑主辦單位,或是申請評鑑單位均為了該資料之準備、整理、審閱,耗費為數可觀之人力、物力及時間資源。鑑於社會大眾對健康照護品質亟求日殷,醫院評鑑主辦單位對相關資料之蒐集、傳遞、分析工作勢必日益龐雜,若未藉助資訊科技協助難竟其工。 本文描述研究者如何運用網際網路相關資訊科技與資料庫管理理念,考量使用者介面限制,建置醫院評鑑網際網路申報系統。並依據資訊系統評估理論與測試方法,檢驗該系統是否達成快速、正確傳遞資料之規劃目的。本系統協助使用者透過網際網路輸入、查詢、更新、列印評鑑資料申報。透過輸入資料格式規範與查核程式之偵測,資料出現謬誤之比例大幅降低。研究結果建議,期望運用資訊科技提升作業效率之組織,宜先合理化其作業流程、明確界定其資料規範,方能充分發揮資訊科技之功效。


Hospital accreditation aims to ensure that healthcare facilities and their operations meet minimum safety requirements and quality standards. Due to the enormous volume and complexity of the data required for the accreditation process, both the organizing agency and the applicants spend insurmountable efforts in preparing, collecting, and reviewing the data. As public quest for better quality of care increases, hospital accreditation agency bears increasing expectation in properly collecting, transmitting, and using the data, which could not be possibly accomplished without information technology. This article describes how researchers took advantage of the technology developed surrounding web-based data transmission and database management in establishing the hospital accreditation information system, with the objectives of fast and accurately transmitting hospital accreditation data from the applying organizations to the reviewing agency. Information system evaluation tests were applied to examine whether such objectives are achieved. Integrating user interface design, the system allows users to input, inquire, revise and print out the declared data. Also by constraining data types and program control codes, errors in data declaration were greatly reduced. The experience suggests that domain users needs to properly evaluate and rationalize the operation process according to its goals and clearly define the data elements while establishing the information system, such that the power of information technology could be fully explored.


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