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The evaluation of blood and ambient air lead concentrations among highway toll station workers


本研究目的在調查高速公路收費站收費人員鉛暴露及其血中鉛情形,並對在工作現場暴露情形,進行個人呼吸區不同粒徑鉛粉塵之採樣,以瞭解不同粒徑大小鉛濃度之分佈。納入本研究之對象為七堵及泰山收費站收費人員,包括七堵收費站28人及泰山收費站45人,總計72人接受本次調查。本研究問卷採自填式方式,填寫後由研究人員檢視,空氣樣本則以感應偶合電將發射光譜儀(ICP)分析,血中鉛之偵測以石墨爐原子吸收光譜儀分析。 調查結果顯示,收費站收費人員血中鉛平均值為3.3958±1.1505μg/dl(n=72),最高值為7.35μg/dl。新設之的七堵收費站收費人員共28人,平均血中鉛濃度3.4741±1.2073μg/dl(範圍1.3-6.6) (表3-5)。泰山收費站收費人員45人,平均血中鉛濃度為3.3489±1.1264μg/dl (範圍1.60-7.35)。以新設立的七堵收費站收費人員為對照組,泰山收費站收費人員為暴露組,比較兩收費站收費人員血中鉛濃度,結果血中鉛濃度未達統計上顯著差異。其血中鉛值遠低於世界衛生組織(WHO)所定之BEI值。血中鉛影響因子方面,飲用市售礦泉水和不喝牛奶者血中鉛濃度值較高,防護用具口罩的使用,對減少鉛暴露濃度,其效果不顯著,於工作現場有抽煙習慣者,可能經口將鉛塵攝入體內,而增鉛的吸收。 作業環境採樣結果,收費站空氣中不同粒徑鉛粉塵濃度,總粉塵中鉛濃度平均值為0.123μg/m3,IOM則為0.197μg/m3,PM10為0.292μg/m3,粒徑小於3.5μm為0.499μg/m3,粒徑小於1.5μm為0.334μg/m3,空氣中鉛多附著在粒徑較小的顆粒上。鉛濃度與車流量關係成負相關,即車流量越大鉛濃度越低。以輪班班別及車道而言,各粒徑大小鉛濃度以小夜班及小型車找零車道測得之值較其他班及車道為低。 結論為空氣中測得之鉛濃度值並不高,收費站工作人員之血中鉛濃度亦不高。


收費站 空氣鉛 血中鉛


Lead has been used as anti-knocking agent in the gasoline for centuries. The impact of lead toxicity released from traffic pollution is still important despite that lead has already been banned from the gasoline. This study was to measure the air lead concentrations in the total suspended particulate, inhalable particulate, thoracic particulate, and respirable particulate in a toll station. In addition, 72 toll station workers were recruited in this study and the blood lead concentrations were measured. Blood lead level was analyzed by furnace atomic absorption. Air samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Integra XL. The results showed that the mean blood lead (PbB) levels of 72 participants was 3.3958 ±1.1505μg/dl (n=72). The maximal level of blood lead was 7.35μg /dl, which was much lower than the acceptable limit of 40μg/dl recommended for adults by WHO. The PbBs in Tai-Sun toll station workers was not higher than those of control toll station (Chi-Do) workers. However, the PbBs in those who drink mineral water and those who do not drink milk were higher than those of counterparts. The effect of protective mask was not significant in this study. Smokers had higher PbBs than non-smokers. Environmental monitoring was performed by using several size-specific samplers, including filter, IOM, cyclone and cascade impactor. The results showed that the lead concentrations among total suspended particulate, inhalable particulate (<100μm), thoracic particulate (<10μm), respirable particulate (<3.55μm), and particulate <1.5μm were 0.123, 0.197, 0.292, 0.499, and 0.334μg/m3, respectively. This result indicated that lead was dominantly adsorbed in small particulates. This study also found that the lead concentrations in different lane of toll station were negatively associated with the number of traffic in that lane. The lead concentrations were also associated with the work shift and change permission. The air lead level in the afternoon shift was lower than that of day shift and evening shift. The air lead level in the lane permitted for change was lower than in lanes of no change. In conclusion, the air lead levels in the toll station varied by traffic number, work shift and the traffic lane. However, the lead concentration in the air was not high enough to induce increased blood lead levels among toll station workers.
