  • 期刊


A Framework for Product Data Sharing in Yacht Lifecycle Using XML


在遊艇的生命週期中,會經過船東詢價,討論遊艇裝備需求,到正式下訂單後,進行各項設計及圖面繪製、估價、訂約、發包、施工、使用、維修等過程。在以往,這些與遊艇相關的資料總是散佈在各個部門,在資料的搜尋上並不方便,再加上每個過程所使用的資料格式都不盡相同,因此不同階段的資料彼此還是不能互相利用本文期望透過生命週期的導入,整合生命週期內資料交換的方式,解決遊艇產品資料交換及分享的困境。 本文以統一塑模語言進行系統分析,規劃生命週期資料交換及共享架構,釐清資料的運作流程;在資料交換方面,根據ISO 10303在船舶產業的應用規範,以XML及STEP ml作為整個產品生命週期過程裡的資料交換的媒介,在流程控管上,透過工作流程引擎來觸發網路服務解決系統與系統間的資料傳遞,以此整合遊艇生命週期中的各個流程所涉及的文件及資訊的交換和共享。 本文依照系統分析的結果建構遊艇生命週期的架構,整個週期運作使用XML作為資料交換的格式,於每個交換的點建立XML Schema來驗證兩者間資料交換的問題,流程最終產生一份包含遊艇詳細資料的XML文件。本文期望建立起生命週期資料交換的架構,能有效的保存一艘遊艇完整的設計及製造資訊,在未來,這些資料可以延伸為船東手冊,隨著遊艇交貨時轉交給船東。


The yacht lifecycle can be divided into several stages including inquiry, equipment acquirement, order, design, drawing, price quoting, contract signing, production, delivery, service, etc.. In the past, all design and manufacturing data about the yacht were distributed over each department; therefore, the data could not be searched and used easily. By the implementation of the product lifecycle management, a solution to integrate the exchanged data is proposed. In this research, we utilize UML to analyze and plan the architecture of the yacht product lifecycle. According to ISO 10303, the data from PLM can be exchanged in XML and STEPml. In the process, Workflow Engine triggers the Web Service to transmit the data from system to system. Through this procedure, the data exchange and information sharing in the entire processes can be coordinated. We construct a yacht lifecycle framework according to the result of the system analysis. Based on a yacht XML Schema, we use XML format in data exchange during the whole product lifecycle. After the entire procedure, an XML file which contains detailed information about this yacht is produced. Under such framework, we can keep detailed design and manufacturing information about this yacht. In the future, all these data can become the user manual and pass to the shipowner as the yacht delivered.


STEP UML Web Service XML Product Lifecycle


