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Indigenous Landscape Construction in America Sacagawea in Glancy's Stone Heart and Mojica's "Birdwoman and the Suffragettes: A Story of Sacajawea"


因爲《博物館驚魂夜》(Night at the Museum)的賣座,美國女原住民莎卡佳薇雅(Sacajawea或Sacagawea)的故事倍受關注。相對於另一位女原住民寶嘉康蒂(Pokahontas),莎卡佳薇雅 以十六歲稚齡,帶著長子胖皮(Pompey),伴隨懦弱無能的白人丈夫夏博諾(Charbonneau)與白人探險團(”The Expedition of the Corps of Discovery”)一同探勘美洲西北,以實現傑佛遜總統(Thomas Jefferson)的「越陸夢想」,其間歷程引人入勝。又且,透過莎卡佳薇雅的遊歷過程,連結/並置出美國本土歐洲白人與原住民文化之異同,要談美國地貌,自不可忽略莎卡佳薇雅。 本文旨在細讀兩部與莎卡佳薇雅相關的作品,一爲切羅基族(Cherokee)葛蘭希(Diane Glancy)的小說《石頭心》(Stone Heart),另一爲庫納/拉帕漢諾克族(Kuna and Rappahannoc)莫吉卡(Monique Mojica)的短劇〈鳥女和女權運動家〉(”Birdwoman and the Suffragettes: A Storyof Sacajawea”),前者透過遠征軍日誌與當代原住民作家葛蘭希的重新刻畫,在雙重文本交相閱讀後,一方面形塑兩百年後美國印第安原住民之屬性認同,另一方面希冀紓解甚至釋放舊有侷促的美國地貌。莫吉卡則透過全美各地有關莎卡佳薇雅的雕像與公園、女權運動者的宣言、遠征指揮官的討論、美國原住民姆媽們(Grandma)的家常閒話等,在靜態地標/地景,動態言語、故事之流傳與討論等不同脈絡中,描繪出最終翱翔於地貌和言說之內/外的莎卡佳薇雅。


This paper intends to re-construct American landscape in terms of literary works by two Native American women authors: Diane Glancy's Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea is one and Monique Mojica's ”Birdwoman and the Suffragettes: A Story of Sacajawea.” Both Glancy and Mojica attempt to map Sacagawea as an indigenous woman which (the mapping) is different from that in Euro-Americans'; nevertheless, these two female Native American authors also depict Sacagawea differently with their own interpretation and manifestation. Sacajawea is remapped in Glancy's novel in the light of parallel writing, second person point of view and the landscape naming. Mojica focuses more on manual-labored construction such as statues and plaques. The former discloses the restriction of Sacagawea while the latter, aims at portraying and furthermore, releasing this indigenous woman. It is only by means of landscape drawing/mapping that the image of Sacajawea is deeply demonstrated and elaborated.


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