  • 期刊


A Study on the Sport Award system of the R.O.C. Governments at all Levels


民國六十九年嘉義縣區運會,行政院宣布成績打破全國紀錄者,發給獎金新台幣五萬元,開創我國運動會史上,政府機關用高額獎金獎勵選手之首例。依此,教育部公布獎勵打破運動賽會紀錄的「中正體育獎章與獎助學金頒發要點」、獎勵運動選手參加國際運動競賽,獲得名次的「國光體育獎章與獎助學金頒發要點」以及指導選手之有功教練。各縣市政府為吸引選手或教練參加區運會或其他賽會,爭取名次獎牌,訂定獎勵辦法,各級政府所訂獎金之金額發給標準差異,教練或選手之挖角跳槽,嚴重影響了國家與各縣市整體培訓基層選手之宗旨與目標,也直接影響到我國運動發展,運動員追求奧林匹克精神已褪色了。八十八年起,我國各種運動會開創出另一個運動會型態,幾乎作了全面性的變革,各級政府頒布的體育運動獎勵制度或法令條文規定,已不足適用,也需跟隨運動會型態大幅變更。 本篇研究所探討之資料,均屬各級政府行政機關官方珍貴的體育獎勵資料。本篇研究所發現之問題,企盼在結論或建議,能提供各級府,對於現行體育獎勵制度之缺失,應訊速調整相關措施,積極迎接二十一世紀體育大環境大變遷的時代。


During the Taiwan Games in Chia Yi in 1980, the Executive Yuan announced that a prize of NT$50,000 will be awarded to any athlete who breaks the national record. This was the first time in history of the Games that the government authority initiated to reward the athletes by bestowing the prize with large amount of money. Based on the policy, the Ministry of Education promulgated the “Guidelines for Award of National Glory Order and Scholarships” for athletes who break record of the Games to encourage all athletes participating in international competitions and winning the merits as well as the coaches instructing and training the medalists. In order to encourage and attract athletes or coaches taking part in Taiwan Games or other competitions, the city/county governments established their own Incentive Measures, the amount of prize of reward specified by each city/county government varied a lot. To this extent, it resulted in the lure-away of coaches or athletes, which not only had an adverse impact on the overall training of athletes at both national and city/county level, but also seriously affected the sport development of the country. The Olympic Spirit that the athletes follow in pursuit fades away. However, the various games and competitions of the country developed into another type of games, almost resulting in an overall change. The provisions or regulations on Sport Award System promulgated by the governments at all levels become somehow inappropriate. It requires a large-scale change in line with the pattern of games. The information and data included in this paper are valuable files on sport award of the administrations at all levels. It is expected that the conclusion or comments on the issues discussed in this paper may be referred to by the governments at all levels and will help them have a better understanding in the advantages and disadvantages of current sport award system. Therefore, the relevant measures may immediately be restructured in order to encounter the challenge of great movement in sport environment in the coming 21st century.




