  • 期刊


The Physiological Effects of Marathon Race on Acute Phase Reactants


Purpose: This research was to investigate the physiological effects of Marathon Race on acute reactants. Method: This study used 12 outstanding male marathon contestants from the Taipei International Marathon Race 42.195km as subjects. Blood sample was taken at one week prior (Pre), immediately after (Post), the first day (D1) and third day after (D3) race. Enzyme-linked immunoassay assay method (ELISA) and the immunoturbidimetric technology (Beckman Coulter Image Immunochemistry system) were used for analyzing Interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factors-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). The data was analysis by repeatable ANOVA for comparison. Results: The study showed that IL-6 increased by 3.5 times immediately after the race, and returned to normal levels for the following day. TNF-α and IL-1 levels increased significantly during the recovery period of IL-6. IL-1 levels dropped to normal by the third day and TNF-α was still in high concentration, but not returned to the level before race. The hs-CRP level showed no significant discrepancy before and immediately after the race. However, hs-CRP level increased significantly by 25 times (p<.05) for one day after race, followed by a drop in the third day. Despite the wide range of the acute phase reactants density after the race, the value was still in the normal reference scope. Conclusion: All of acute phase reactants rose significantly, but its acute phase response continues for three days after the race. The density was highly near the standard although acute phase reactants' value is still in normal standard. In order to excite the variables between adjustment and adaptation, it is possible feedback mechanism to have a low immunity. Meanwhile, the hs-CRP increased by 25 times one day after the race served as a warning sign of the contestants' cardiovascular system effects.


Purpose: This research was to investigate the physiological effects of Marathon Race on acute reactants. Method: This study used 12 outstanding male marathon contestants from the Taipei International Marathon Race 42.195km as subjects. Blood sample was taken at one week prior (Pre), immediately after (Post), the first day (D1) and third day after (D3) race. Enzyme-linked immunoassay assay method (ELISA) and the immunoturbidimetric technology (Beckman Coulter Image Immunochemistry system) were used for analyzing Interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factors-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). The data was analysis by repeatable ANOVA for comparison. Results: The study showed that IL-6 increased by 3.5 times immediately after the race, and returned to normal levels for the following day. TNF-α and IL-1 levels increased significantly during the recovery period of IL-6. IL-1 levels dropped to normal by the third day and TNF-α was still in high concentration, but not returned to the level before race. The hs-CRP level showed no significant discrepancy before and immediately after the race. However, hs-CRP level increased significantly by 25 times (p<.05) for one day after race, followed by a drop in the third day. Despite the wide range of the acute phase reactants density after the race, the value was still in the normal reference scope. Conclusion: All of acute phase reactants rose significantly, but its acute phase response continues for three days after the race. The density was highly near the standard although acute phase reactants' value is still in normal standard. In order to excite the variables between adjustment and adaptation, it is possible feedback mechanism to have a low immunity. Meanwhile, the hs-CRP increased by 25 times one day after the race served as a warning sign of the contestants' cardiovascular system effects.


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