  • 期刊


Research and Development of Baseball and Softball Functional Socks




足底壓力 滑壘 擦傷 保護功能


Purpose: Baseball and softball are competitive and worth watching sports. In order to have better sports performance, sports shoes design with nails to achieve the anti-skid function, but that also brings the risk of foot injury. Moreover, poorly designed socks could increase the risk of abrasions during base sliding. Base on the premise of not adding any more equipment in lower limbs, the only thing that could be changed is the design of sock. If the sole of a sock could be adapted to cooperate with the shoes design, the better spread of plantar pressure may be achieved; and if an anti-abrasion design could be added on the leg of sock, it may help to reduce the occurrence of scratch. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to (1) survey various brands socks and shoes in the currently marketing, (2) biomechanical qualitative analysis of baseball-specific movements for design concepts, (3) design and produce proper baseball/softball sports sock based on our market research and the technical analysis of baseball/softball movement, (4) investigate the effect of wearing the innovative sports socks on, player's subjective perception, plantar pressure and sports performance. Methods: In this study, we obtained some important concepts about the functional designs of sports socks through marketing research and biomechanical qualitative analysis of baseball/softball movements. For example, the shin protection on base sliding, the design of anti-shear pressure in forefoot, reducing the pressure in toes and heels, etc. Results: The results showed that the special design of the sole of the sock could effectively plantar pressure distribution which in turn could reduce the incidence of sports injuries; and the special design of the leg of the sock can effectively pressure distribution during base sliding which in turn could reduce sports injuries caused by friction. Conclusion: The innovative sports socks can be applied to the players in the field to reduce the lower limbs sports injuries and enhance athletic performance.


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