  • 期刊


Exploring the Acute Effects of Post-activation Potentiation on Enhancement of Power Performance


在多數的運動項目中,爆發力的好壞決定了運動員的運動表現。近年來,研究結果已發現阻力運動與增強式運動的結合(稱為複合式訓練)能改善爆發力的表現,而爆發力的改善,主要是利用所謂活化後增能作用(post-activation potentiation, PAP)現象,即肌肉先前的收縮會增加隨後肌肉收縮產生的力量。然而PAP現象除了應用在長期的複合式訓練上,來改善爆發力表現之外,研究結果也發現,PAP現象也能改善隨後短時間的爆發力表現。因此,本文透過相關文獻的搜索,針對PAP現象的生理機制,以及可能誘發PAP現象之阻力運動操控進行探討,以期為教練、選手與專家在PAP應用於熱身活動中或後續的PAP研究上,提供阻力運動操控的參考。綜合過去的PAP研究發現,阻力運動以1組7秒或3組3秒之等長最大自主收縮或1-3組中高強度動態收縮(60%-93% 1RM)的安排,以及阻力運動後至少8-12分鐘的休息時間,較能顯著地誘發PAP現象,以改善隨後的爆發力表現;此外,運動員的訓練經驗越高、II型肌纖維比例越高以及絕對肌力越大,所引起的PAP現象也會愈顯著。


For most sports, athletic performance is largely determined by athletes' capacity of power generation. In recent years, studies have shown that explosive movements may be enhanced if heavy resistance exercises are combined with plyometric exercises (referred as complex training). The enhancement of power performance observed from complex training has been attributed to a condition referred to as post-activation potentiation (PAP), which previous muscle contractions result in increased force production of subsequent muscle contractions. In addition to achieve long-term adaptation through complex training, PAP may be exploited to enhance subsequent power performance. Therefore, this brief review examines the physiological mechanisms of PAP and determines how best to elicit PAP by manipulating several training variables of resistance exercise through reviewing previous studies. This review may provide information regarding the manipulation of resistance exercises for coaches and athletes to exploit PAP during a competition. Based on results of previous literature, PAP is significantly elicited by performing 1-3 sets of maximal voluntary isometric contractions (3-7 seconds) or 1-3 sets of dynamic exercise at moderate to high intensity (60%-93%1RM). In addition, 8-12 minutes of recovery time between resistance exercise and subsequent power testing may be optimal to improve subsequent power performance. Moreover, athletes with greater training experiences, type II muscle fiber percentage, and absolute strength may have higher chance to exploit PAP during a competition.


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