  • 期刊


Foot-volleyball - A study of the current development of sepaktakraw in Taiwan


風行於東南亞國家的藤球,於1990年成為亞洲運動會正式比賽項目之後,就一直朝全球化的道路邁進,並於2008年被正式引進臺灣。然而,臺灣藤球運動發展迄今,鮮少人針對其提出相關學術研究的探討。本研究主要是分析藤球運動相關的國、內外文本資料,並且利用De Bosscher等人提出的競技成功關鍵因子做為分析依據。除了探討亞洲藤球總會和世界藤球總會在推動藤球全球化上所扮演的角色之外,也會進一步分析臺灣藤球運動的發展狀況。期盼本研究能讓臺灣學界更加瞭解藤球運動,並起拋磚引玉之效,使更多產、官、學界的人士,給予這項起源於東南亞的新興運動更多的關注與重視。


"Sepaktakraw" is a famous sport in Southeast Asia. This sport has moved toward globalization gradually after being selected as one of official sports during the Asian Games of Beijing in 1990. However, the development of sepaktakraw in Taiwan has shown less. People seldom focused on researching the sepaktakraw and provided relevant researches. The study is to mainly analysis the relevant documents of sepaktakraw from domestic and foreign, in addition to the analysis based on the key factors of successful elite sport which was presented by De Bosscher et al. This research will not only focus on exploring the role of Asian Sepaktakraw Federation (ASTAF) and International Sepaktakraw Association Federation (ISTAF) in promoting and globalizing sepaktakraw, but also further analyze the condition of developing of sepaktakraw in Taiwan. The expectation of this study is to further comprehend sepaktakraw for Taiwan's academic field, and initiate people from the domestic industries, government and academia to pay more attention to this new sport from Southeast Asia.


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