  • 期刊


Ecological momentary assessment in the research of physical activity and leisure behavior




In recent years, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has been widely used to measure personal behavior and experience in everyday lives in social science. EMA emphasized data collection with repeated and timely assessment in capturing subjects' daily behavior and experiences in real life. EMA also aims to maximize ecological validity as well as to minimize recall bias. As technology advanced, EMA can effectively collect data using smartphones and wearable devices. The current paper provides examples of empirical EMA studies in the fields of physical activity and leisure behavior, as well as summarizes the pros and cons of using EMA approach. EMA enables researchers to explore short-term changes in physical activity and leisure behavior and how the changes relate to health variables within each subject. However, conducting EMA study is time-and-resource-demanding and requires advanced analytic skills to process intensive longitudinal data. In sum, the authors suggest that understanding the strengths and weaknesses of EMA, and how EMA can be implemented in physical activity and leisure research is a promising approach to advancing the knowledge in our field.


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