  • 期刊

Foodservice Managers Attitude toward Waste Disposal



進入90年代,環保意識日漸重要,根據一項美國EPA(Enivronmental Protection Agency)研究報告顯示三至五年後現存部分垃圾場將至飽和,所以廢棄物處理實為當今重要之課題。由於餐飲業食品包裝袋鮮明易見,所以許多消費者認為餐飲業對於現今嚴重之垃圾問題應負有重大的責任。本研究的主要目的,在確認現今經營者對於廢物的態度,及其對於從事廢棄物處理的意願。調查結果顯示,絕大部份餐飲業經營者願意增加經營成本支持響應環保運動,同時正從事多項廢物處理的活動,其中寶麗龍的回收是最耗費金錢與時間,對於工業界而言,由於回收寶麗龍的利潤低,相對回收意願低,所以未來如何發展回收處理寶麗龍的技術,是當今工業界應努力的方向。


Solid waste disposal is clearly an issue of great concern is the 1990s. Because of high visible packaging logos, many consumer mistakenly believe that the food service industry is responsible for as much as half of the total of municipal solid waste. This study seeks to identify the current practices and attitudes of managers of independent food services toward solid waste management and the characteristics of food service which were most likely to be involved with a solid waste management program. The results of this study indicate that the majority of independent food service managers feel the waste management is an important issue, they were currently involved in waste management activities, and they were interested in attending a workshop on waste disposal.
