  • 期刊

Differentiating Personal Facilitators of Leisure Participation: Socio-demographics, Personality Traits, and the Need for Sociability



休閒活動普遍與否,隨著眾多個人及社會因素而異,而同樣的背景因素對不同人口群體的作用又未必一致。本文分析基本特徵、人格特質、對社會性的需求這三大個人背景,各自對了解不同型態的休閒參與有何助益,三者的效應又有什麼異同。最後並以性別區分樣本後進一步分析,揭示背景因素在不同群體的差異功能。實證資料取自台灣社會變遷基本調查2007年的第五期第三次調查問卷二(n=2, 144)。文中藉由階層迴歸分析,發現獨處式休閒(例如聽音樂、看書)的參與程度,幾乎取決於個人的社會人口基本特徵,尤其是年齡和教育程度。而社會互動比較頻繁的休閒(包括和朋友聚會、從事體能活動),則因為人格特質和社會需求而有明顯的參與落差,不是個人基本特徵所能決定。如果個別衡量單一特徵的統計檢定結果是否顯著,大多可以清楚區辨什麼樣的個人背景有助於獨處式或社會式的休閒參與。但是細究這些背景的統計效應大小,進一步發現三大項個人背景在兩個類型的休閒參與中扮演相當不同的角色。此外,部分個人背景所產生的效應相當一致,其他背景的效應則因休閒類型而異,也隨著性別等基本的人群分類原則而有變化。


This paper first compares the extent to which socio-demographics, personality traits, and the need for sociability each facilitates different kinds of leisure participation with the general population in Taiwan. It then distinguishes how some of these factors differ in facilitating leisure for men and women. By means of hierarchical regression analyses of data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey (n=2,144), we found that the participation in solitary leisure activities, including music listening and book reading, was overwhelmingly determined by socio-demographic factors, particularly age and education. In contrast, both personality traits and the need for sociability help explain who are engaged more often in mostly-social leisure such as gathering with friends and doing physical activities. Such intrapersonal and interpersonal forces also accounted for a larger proportion of the total explained variance. Although most measures of an individual's background were significant in differentiating who participated more in both solitary and mostly-social leisure, the activities differed markedly in the size effects of these measures. Furthermore, some of these personal measures facilitated leisure participation consistently, whereas others exerted somewhat contradictory or inconsistent effects, particularly within male and female subpopulations.


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