  • 期刊


The Types of Interviewer-related Error in Political Survey


訪員是調查訪問中資料蒐集工作的中心角色,也最有可能影響他們所蒐集的資料品質。不論研究者的研究設計做得多好,訪問的成敗還是取決於訪員是否盡責且正確地扮演資料蒐集者的角色。因此,如何減少因爲訪員錯誤對研究產生的影響,是從事調查研究者必須深思的問題。Flower& Mangione認爲減低訪員誤差的方法是「標準化調查訪問」(Standardize survey interview),也就是將“訪問程序標準化”:給予訪員一致性的指示與訓練,儘量使用在同一個研究中,所有的受訪者得到「一致的刺激」,以將訪員效應降至最低程度。在本研究中我們特別關心的是訪員是否正確執行標準化的層面,因爲我們相信調查研究的成敗與否,與訪員如何執行訪問,以及其執行的品質有相當大的關係。爲了減少訪員所造成錯誤,我們擬從瞭解訪員的錯誤著手,對訪問過程中訪員的行爲做系統化的研究,以發掘訪員在進行訪問時可能會產生的誤差類型,方能提出有效的對策來解決訪員所造的誤差問題。


Interviewer behaviors and procedures are most effective in producing a consistent data collection process in survey. The success of survey relies mostly on interviewers to execute the interviews correctly. Therefore, reducing the interviewer effect is an important issue in survey research. Flower and Mangione believe that ”Standardize survey interviewing” is one of the methods to reduce interviewer effect. In real settings, we cannot make interviewer behavior the same in every way, our critical task is to identify solutions to minimize the difference between interviewers that actually affect answers. To achieve the purpose of minimizing interviewer effect, this paper focuses on discovering the interviewer-related error in surveys and sorting the error types systematically. By realizing the types of interviewer-related errors, we propose some solutions to reduce and prevent the frequently errors.


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