  • 期刊


Online Campaign Strategies of the KMT for the 2004 Presidential Election: A Perspective of Action Research


鑑於國內選舉策略研究多以個案探討方式行之,常因未能與聞決策、無法瞭解全局與掌握第一手資訊,以致有見樹不見林,偏離實際之小感。是故研究者藉參與國民黨網路選戰策略小組之機會,採取傳播學界罕見之行動研究,並輔以深度訪談,試圖對其得失作一探討。 研究結果指出,國民黨為避免重蹈在網路上被民進黨壓著打的覆轍,本次大選不僅高層相當重視,也責成提早行動。基本上策略小組採兵分多路,見招拆招之計,以「連站」、「藍教頭」為portal來夾擊民進黨的「iparty」,並刻意營造抗衡對決的氣氛以收拉抬之效,還配合節慶,進行系列造勢。至於推出週邊商品與導入avatar造型精靈,也有加強網站黏著性,留住網友之功。 至於失策之處,主要在於有分進而無合擊。各站因本位主義作祟或商業利益考量,導致定位重疊,反而浪費文宣經費,稀釋網路流量。而國民黨內山頭林立,爭相上網助戰以邀功,但因缺乏規劃、品質不佳,不僅無實質助益,還消耗有限資源。而網站與其他選戰機制的結合也欠佳,無從進行整合式行銷傳播。此外,各站在泛藍選後抗爭試圖翻盤之際即已關站打烊,亦為敗筆。 總的來說,國民黨2004年總統大選的網路選戰操作,在戰略的制定上算是成功的,但戰術的執行上則有不少失誤。


This study is intended to explore online campaign strategies of the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) for the 2004 Presidential Election in Taiwan from a perspective of action research, which is rarely used in the field of communication research here. Since the researcher played a role of decision maker in the Kuomintang's online campaign, viewpoints of an insider are presented in this paper. The results show that to avoid recommitting the same failure in the 2000 presidential campaign, the Kuomintang paid much attention and effort on the Internet to against the Democratic Progressive Party. Despite the Kuomintang conducted successful strategies, the tactics to carry out the whole online campaign had some unintentional flaws.


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