  • 期刊

Survey Participation in Taiwan: Evidence from the ESC Surveys



本文的主要目的,在於呈現政治大學選舉研究中心過去十年來在台灣所進行的調查結果,同時也將對調查程序進行評估,以有助於發展改進調查執行程序之研究設計及方法。 對調查結果的分析發現台灣民眾對於訪問的要求愈來愈傾向拒絕受訪,過去十年來的訪問成功率都在四成以下,接觸率的增加並未提高合作率,合作率實際上是在下降之中,而拒訪率則有顯著增加的情況。在訪問失敗的六個原因之中,大部份都因政大選舉研究中心在訪問方法上的努力而得到改進,但拒訪率仍有明顯的增加趨勢。資料顯示:男性、四十歲以下,以及高中以下教育程度的民眾接受訪問的比率偏低。2000年一項對於拒絕受訪者的短問卷調查結果顯示:在台灣可能仍然有許多人不願意表達自己的政治主張,而拒絕受訪者和願意接受訪問者,在年齡、教育程度、省籍、政黨偏好及統獨立場上,都有顯著的差異。


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the outcomes of surveys throughout the past decade, as well as to evaluate the survey process. The results of this evaluation will be helpful for developing better research designs and methods in order to continue advancement in the field of survey implementation. The outcome rate in ESC surveys indicates that people in Taiwan are reluctant to comply with interview requests and tend to decline to be interviewed-response rates remained below the 40% mark for the entire decade. Increasing the contact rate did not result in more cooperation from respondents, as the response rate actually fell over the same time period. In addition, refusal rates increased significantly. Also notable is that among the six categories of reasons for failure, the proportion of refusals has increased, while other failures have decreased as a consequence of ESC's efforts to improve fieldwork methods. The data also indicate that males, young people (under the age of 40), and people with lower levels of education (without senior high school degree) were under-counted in almost every ESC survey. Results of a short questionnaire administered to respondents in the refusal samples of the 2000 ISVB survey show that it is possible that some people were still afraid to express their political beliefs in Taiwan. The results also indicate that participants and non-participants differed in age, education, ethnicity, party preference and unification- independence stance.


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