  • 期刊


The Effects of Teaching for Conceptual Change Strategies Enhanced with Computer Simulation on Students' Learning about Density Related Concepts



本研究旨在探討結合電腦模擬的概念改變教學策略對兒童密度相關概念學習成就之影響,以及提昇兒童密度相關概念的概念狀態之可行性。 本研究以台北縣三重市厚德國小六年級共十三班的學生,隨機抽取四班爲研究樣本,進行實驗教學,其中兩班接受十節課的概念增強式電腦模擬教學(實驗組),另兩班接受十節課的一般傳統教學(控制組)。為了比較實驗處理對不同自然科學習成就水準學生的影響,依學生之五年級上、下學期的自然科學期成績平均,化為T分數後,將實驗組與控制組各區分為高、中、低三個自然科學習成就水準。兩組學生在實驗教學後,需接受「密度相關概念成就測驗」。另外,從實驗組與控制組的不同自然科學習成就水準學生中各抽取9名學生,共54名學生接受「密度相關概念狀態訪談問卷」的個別晤談。 資料分析分為兩個部分,第一部分是兩組學生在「密度相關概念成就測驗」的得分,以2(不同教學活動設計方式)×3(自然科學習成就水準)之二因子共變數(五年級上、下學期的自然科學期成績平均)分析進行統計考驗。第二部分是將「密度相關概念狀態訪談問卷」個別晤談的資料,以描述統計及卡方檢定加以處理。 歸納資料分析結果,本研究發現: 1.接受不同教學活動設計的學生,在「密度相關概念成就測驗」的得分上,有顯著的差異。接受概念增強式電腦模擬教學的學生,在「密度相關概念成就測驗」的得分,顯著優於接受一般傳統教學的學生。 2.學生在「密度相關概念成就測驗」分數的表現上,其教學活動設計方式與自然科學習成就水準之間沒有顯著的交互作用。概念增強式電腦模擬教學活動設計,同樣適用於不同自然科學習成就水準的學生,學習密度相關概念成就。 3.由「密度相關概念狀態問卷」的訪談結果發現,接受概念增強式電腦模擬教學的學生,其密度相關概念的概念狀態均較接受一般傳統教學的學生提昇,尤其是對中、高自然科學習成就水準的學生,其概念狀態更有明顯的提昇。


電腦模擬 概念改變 密度


This study intends to investigate the impacts of using computer simulation strategies for fostering students conceptual change in the learning of density related concepts. Subjects were the sixth graders of Hou-De Elementary School of Sanchung in Taipei County of Taiwan. Four classes of sixth graders were randomly selected from thirteen classes. Two out of the four classes were randomly assigned as the experimental group. The remaining two classes were then assigned as the control group. The experimental group was treated with enhanced teaching strategies of computer simulation; while the control group was taught with traditional teaching strategies. The duration of treatment was ten class periods. Students were divided into three levels, namely high, medium, and low, in order to measure the impacts of using computer simulation upon all levels of students. The criteria for grouping the students was the T-score transformed from the student GPA(grade point of achievement)score in science for fifth grade. After the treatment, both experimental and control groups of students were administered an achievement test called ”Test of Density Related Concepts” which is developed by researcher. In addition to the test, nine students were selected from each level of both groups for interview. There fore, there were totally 54 students interviewed by researcher. The interview was proceeded in accordance with a questionnaire called” Questionnaire for Interview about Density Related Concepts”. Collected data from the test and the interview was analyzed differently. Student scores in ”Test of Density Related Concepts” were analyzed by 2(two teaching strategies)times 3(three levels of students)two-way analysis of covariance(prior GPA score in science as covariate).The interview data was interpreted by descriptive statistical techniques and chi-square examination. According to the statistical procedure described above, conclusions of this study are reached and stated as below: The average score in ”Test of Density Related Concepts” for students in the experimental group is significant higher than that in the control group. The interaction between the treatment of computer simulation and the student prior achievement in science as three levels was not identified. Such a result indicates that the enhanced teaching strategies using computer simulation can help all levels of students from low to high to foster their conceptual change and to improve their learning about density related concepts. From the results of interview, the conceptual status about density related concepts of the students in the experimental group, especially for those in the high and medium levels, is enhanced and strengthened significantly than that in the control group.


