  • 期刊


Study on the Problems in the Implementation of the In-job Training System for Elementary School Teachers from the Human Capital Perspective


在二十一世紀知識經濟掛帥,終身學習為主的現代社會中,身為教育專業人員的教師,必須體認到不斷的、隨時的、長期的在職進修教育對於自己專業發展的重要性。本文從人力資本的觀點,深入探討教師在職進修制度應該如何在滿足教師之動機與需求之前提下,也能從投資報酬率的角度來分析輸入與產出之間的關係,以瞭解投資在教師在職進修,包括學習及在職培訓等所形成的資本,究竟會有多少的回收,藉此瞭解現行教師在職進修制度實施的問題所在。 研究發現,現行國小教師在職進修制度紊亂且經費運用成效不彰;研究所在職進修碩士班之定位不明;教師缺乏主動規畫自身的專業發展進修課程的能力。故文末提醒政府要妥善有效地運用經費,並掌握實施成效;而教師也應該瞭解自己的專業需求,去選擇真正適合的研習課程,以系統化的方式進行進修。


In this 21(superscript st) Century, where the knowledge economy is gaining predominance, a fulltime educator needs to fully grasp the significance of unending, immediate, and long-term in-job training and education to the development of one's career in a contemporary society where lifetime learning is prevalent. This paper delves deep into the in-job training system for teachers through the human capital approach, studying how to analyze the correlation between input and output of the system from the rate of investment return perspective, under a premise of providing satisfaction to the motives and requirements of teachers, thereby allowing an understanding of the capital invested into the in-job education of teachers, including the learning and the in-job training capitals involved. The paper also explored the amount or extent of the returns achievable to understand the problems encountered in the implementation work of the existing teacher in-job training system. The study found that the existing in-job training system for elementary school teachers is quite chaotic and budget actualization is quite inefficient. The in-job education courses of postgraduate schools are not well-defined, and teachers lack the ability to proactively plan a customized in-job education course catering to their career development needs. Hence, the final part of the paper reminds the government of the needs to see to the proper and efficient actualization of the budget, and to maintain a control over the system implementation performance. Moreover, teachers are also reminded to understand their own career needs and choose a postgraduate course that truly caters to those needs, thus ensuring the systematic realization of their in-job education.


