  • 期刊


Analysis for Core Value in Culture Festival Activities: A Case Study of Sung Chiang Battle Arrays Congregate in Neimen


高雄縣內門鄉素有「藝陣故鄉」之鄉,是目前全省保存最多藝陣團體及相關藝陣文化的地區。而民俗藝陣文化的生命力正是植基於鄉土環境中,本活動企圖藉由民俗藝陣旺盛的活力,以及與內門當地社區及地方文化的連結,開創以藝陣文化為營造起點的文化新風貌。結合高雄縣豐富的農特產品,多元的自然生態及多樣化的觀光資源,期望藉由活動的舉辦有效推動地方文化產業與觀光產業,以帶動地方經濟發展。高雄縣位於台灣南部屬於農業縣,財源拮据,在以往政府重北輕南的施政思維下,亦一直是媒體弱勢區。為了推廣觀光事業、促進商機,高雄縣政府自民國2001年起至2007年配合交通部觀光局連續7年舉辦「高雄內門宋江陣活動」,除每次均吸引大批國內外遊客前往,帶動地方繁榮外。高雄內門宋江陣表演團體更於民國2003 年受邀參加「美國玫瑰花車大遊行」及「新加坡新春妝藝踩街遊行活動」,並於2004年赴韓國參加「第三屆亞洲青少年藝術節慶活動」,不只踏進國際舞台拓展我國觀光事業,亦達到國民外交之目的。本文主要利用Poter (1985)產業價值鏈關點,驗證探討高雄縣內門鄉如何在這幾年間,持續宋江陣文化產業創新發展變化,吸引民眾參與原因及目前參加節慶活動之遊客其一般社會經濟特性及參訪動機其相關性。


Neiman Township in Kaohisung County is known as the ”hometown of Chinese battle arrays.” It has the most number of battle array groups and preserved battle array cultures. The vigor of folk battle array culture is deep-rooted in the local environment. In this activity, the vigorous folk battle arrays and Neiman community and local cultures are combined to create a new cultural feature that is battle array culture oriented. With resourceful agricultural products in Kaohsuing, versatile natural ecologies, and diversified tourism resources, it is expected that the activity holding will effectively promote cultural industry and tourism industry developments, which will in turn bring about local economic developments. Kaohsiung County is an agricultural county located in the southern part of Taiwan. With limited financial means, and the government's policy of Taipei as the focus of development; there is often negligence over the south. It is also given little attention by the media. In order to promote tourism, and create business opportunities, The Kaohsiung County Government has held ”Kaohsiung Neiman Sung-Chiang Battle Array” for 7 consecutive years from 2001-2007 in conjunction with implementations of Tourism Bureau, Dept. of Transportation and Communications, R.O.C. It not only draws large crowds of tourists locally, and promotes prosperous regional developments, Sung-Chiang Battle Array Performance Group was also invited to ”U.S. Rose” and ”Singapore New Year Parade” events in 2003. It attended ”The Third Asia Youth Art Festival” held in Korea in 2004. It has not only appeared in the international stage to promote tourism in our country, it has also played the role of establishing diplomatic relations with other countries. In this study, Poter's (1985) views on industrial value chain is used to discuss and verify the relevance among ”Neiman Township, Kaohsiung County's promotion of sustainable Sung-Chiang Battle Array developments in the cultural creativity industry over the years” ”reasons young people are drawn”, ”social economic features of tourists that attend festive activities”, and ”motives for visitation.”




