  • 期刊


Professional Commitment of Nurses at District Hospitals in Kaohsiung Hsien Areas


本研究目的在瞭解護理人員的專業承諾,並探討個人屬性、家庭狀況及工作背景與專業承諾的關係。採相關性研究設計,以方便取樣收集資料,研究對象爲服務鈴高雄縣28所地區醫院之護理人員共670位,問卷回收575份,回收率爲85.8%。爲達研完目的,研究工具使用「護理專業承諾量表」,係採用國內呂杜雲於1998年姿展之結構式問卷,獲得同意後使用。依研究目的及變項性質選擇適當統計方法,包括百分比、平均值、標準差、Pearson's相關、單因子變異數分析、事後比較及複迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 研究結果發現:(1)護理人員整體專業承諾總平約值2.80分(Range 1-4),屬於中等程度;各專業承諾因素分別「爲專業努力意願」因素,平約值2.65分(Range 1-4);「專業生涯涉入意願」因素,平均值3.04分(Range 1-4);「專業生涯正向評價」因素,平均值2.76分(Range 1-4);「專業價值認同」因素,平筠值2.95分(Range 1-4)。(2)護理人員個人屬性中的婚姻狀況不同其「專業價值認同」呈顯著差異;技術學院及一般大學畢業的護理人員具有較高的專業承諾。(3)家人對護理工作的支持與專業承諾的四個因素均呈顯著正相關;小孩安置安心程度與「整體專業承諾」及「努力意願」、「生涯涉入意願」和「生涯正向評價」等三個因素呈顯著正相關。(4)經複迥歸分析發現僅「家人對護理工作的支持」會影響專業承諾的確定感,其解釋力達21%。(5)經對數迴歸分析發現「工作職稱」亦會影響專業承諾的確定感,其解釋力達8.5%。本研究結果可提供地區醫療機構護理管理者對招募和留任護理人員之參考。


The purposes of this study were to understand the professional commitment of nurses and the relation ship between professional commitment and personal characteristics, family status, and work background. The design was correlational using purposive sampling. Six hundred seventy (670) nurses at district hospitals in Kaohsiung Hsien area were recruited into this study. Five hundred seventy-five (575) nurses responded which resulted in an 85.8% response rate. To achieve the purposes of this study, the Professional Commitment Scale questionnaire, developed by Lu (1998), was used with permission. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, ANOVA, post hoc comparison, and multiple regression. Results were as follows. 1) The average score of overall professional commitment was 2.80 (range 1-4) which indicated a mid-range score. The average scores of professional commitment factors willingness of effort, maintaining membership, intrinsic value of work, and belief in goals and values were 2.65, 3.04, 2.76, 2.95, respectively (range 1-4). 2) A significant difference was found between belief in goals and values and marital status. Nurses who graduated from the institute of technology and university had high scores. 3) A positive correlation was found between family support and the overall score of professional commitment. A positive correlation was found between the safety of children's care and overall professional commitment, and the factors of willingness of effort, maintaining membership, and intrinsic value of work. 4) Multiple regression analysis showed that family support was the only predictor of professional commitment and accounted for 21% of the total variance. 5) Logistic regression analysis showed that job credential was the only predictor of professional commitment and accounted for 8.5% of the total variance. The findings serve as reference for nursing administrators at district hospitals in recruiting and retaining nurses.


敖文瑜(2008)。護理人員專業承諾、工作滿意與離職傾向相關度性之研究 ~以某區域醫院為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2008.00031
