  • 期刊


Democratic Administration and Network Governance: Theory and Types of New Governance


本文主要討論民主行政與網絡治理的關係,以及以分析單位為基礎比較美國、英國、德國與荷蘭等四國,有關網絡治理在內涵與理論層次上的差異。本文認為網絡治理的概念可以媒合公共行政長久以來追求的兩大不甚相容之目標-民主與效率,兼籌並顧。 公共行政官僚、市場、非營利組織與社區公民團體等皆是治理的一環,沒有任何一種制度機制可以完全適用與操控公共治理的領域。市場失靈與官僚失靈突顯網絡平等、協商、資源依賴、信任與自我管理的特質,以及一套問題解決的機制,象徵著政府與公民社會組織的分權與協同治理。


This study intends to explore the relationship between democratic administration and network governance, and to utilize ”units of analysis” to compare and contrast the types of the implications of network governance in four countries including America, Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands. The main argument is that the theory of network governance may serve as a bridge between democracy and efficiency, which the field of public administration is in a dilemma as to pursue the both of goals in the same time. Moreover, reflections on both market failure and bureaucracy failure reveal that network theory, characterized as self-governance, resources interdependent, building trust and consensus, may become a useful conceptual framework of public governance under which government ”co-steer” public policy along with other societal institutions. Nevertheless, as the modes of public governance evolve, each model of bureaucracy, market, and networks is one of institutions available for democratic administration, and none of which could be dominant in the society as a whole.


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