  • 期刊


Effects of Target Distance in Task Context on Reaching Performance in Patients with Stroke




To examine the effect of target distance on movement performance in persons after stroke by studying the voluntary movement of trunk and arm and the coordination between trunk and arm during reaching for the visual target. Twenty-five persons with first-ever and unilateral stroke used their less-affected arm to perform a reaching task. Participants were tested under three conditions: targets placed within arm length, at arm length, and beyond arm length. This study used a randomized, repeated measures design. Kinematic variables of reaching movements were analyzed, including spatio-temporal characteristics and coordination between the trunk and arm. As reaching distance increased, the speed, movement time, displacement and angular changes of the joints increased. Whenever the trunk was involved, there was a stereotyped sequential recruitment of the arm and trunk in that the trunk began moving before the hand. The trunk played an important role in positioning the hand close to the target during the terminal stage of the reaching movement. Reaching distance affected the spatial and temporal coordination between the trunk and arm. The trunk not only acts as a postural stabilizer during reaching, but also becomes an integral component in positioning the hand close to the target.


