  • 期刊


Effects of Art Therapy in Reducing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia


近年來,藝術治療應用於各種族群的情緒困擾及學習問題,但較少實證研究探討其降低失智症患者精神行為症狀的成效。本文以系統性文獻回顧,探討藝術治療對失智症者精神行為症狀的影響。方法:以關鍵字及布林邏輯搜尋2022年1月前Cochrane Library、PubMed、Embase、及華藝等資料庫的發表文獻,排除藥物治療、一般性回顧文章及研究計畫。針對2011至2020間4篇臨床隨機試驗文獻進行分析與統整,並依據CASP-RCT工具評讀研究品質,並以Oxford證據等級(OCEBM)分級。結果此系統性回顧的證據等級為Level II。另研究結果顯示,6週藝術治療可降低失智症者的冷漠及躁動症狀,然而要改善憂鬱症狀可能需要超過6週時間。結論:藝術治療能降低失智症患者之躁動頻率及冷漠症狀,具有臨床參考及應用價值。


Art therapy has been applied to patients with emotional distress and learning problems among various ethnic groups, but there is limited empirical research on using it to improve the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of art therapy in alleviating the mental and behavioral symptoms of people with dementia. Relevant articles published prior to January 2022 were retrieved from electronic databases including PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) using keywords and Boolean logic, but excluding drug treatments, general review articles and research projects. Four studies published between 2011 and 2020 with a randomized controlled trial design met the inclusion criteria. The analysis and integration were based on the CASP-RCT checklist and OCEBM (Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence), the quality of research and the level of evidence were evaluated. The level of evidence for this systematic review was Level II. The results of this systematic review demonstrated that six weeks of art therapy can reduce the symptoms of apathy and agitation in people with dementia. However, it may take more than six weeks to alleviate the symptoms of depression. Art therapy can reduce the frequency of agitation and apathy of patients with dementia and the result has clinical reference and application value.


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