  • 期刊

Research on Presidential Leadership Style and Teacher Job Satisfaction in Private Institute of Technology in Pingtung County





領導 領導型態 工作滿意


The purpose of this research was to explore the possible relationship between presidential leadership style and teacher job satisfaction in private institutes of technology in Pingtung County in Taiwan by conducting surveys. The survey instruments included the President Leadership Behavior Questionnaire, which was utilized to measure perceived presidential leadership styles, and the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, which was employed to measure teacher job satisfaction. in this research, presidential leadership styles and teachers' demographics served as the independent variables, and teacher job satisfaction served as the dependent variable. Survey instruments were randomly distributed to 180 teachers who were employed at the institute for at least one year. Of these surveys, 146 survey instruments were returned and 135 were valid. Data obtained were analyzed by using SPSS. The results reported that the presidential leadership styles of high consideration and high initiating structure are related to high teacher job satisfaction. Correlation coefficients between the presidential behaviors and different dimensions of teacher job satisfaction ranged from .177 to .791, and showed that these variables were positively correlated, in addition, there were significant differences in total teacher job satisfaction and different dimensions of teacher job satisfaction based on different presidential leadership styles. Significant mean differences resulted from combinations of presidential leadership styles and the teacher's level of education, or teaching title on total teacher job satisfaction. The significant differences existed in total teacher job satisfaction and different dimensions of teacher job satisfaction based on the different teachers' demographics.


leadership leadership style job satisfaction


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